Furiosa: Çılğın Maks Əfsanəsi

Furiosa: Çılğın Maks Əfsanəsi 2024


Sivilizasiyanın süqutundan 45 il keçir. Ailəsi ilə birlikdə "Min Ananın Yaşıl Torpaqlarında" yaşayan gənc Furiosa, sərkərdə Dementusun başçılıq etdiyi Dağ Baykerləri tərəfindən qaçırılır. Çöl ərazini keçərək, dəstə Qalanı idarə edən Ölümsüz Coyun ordusu ilə qarşılaşır.


Freddi ilə beş gecə

Freddi ilə beş gecə 2023


Mayk Şmidt vaxtı ilə uğurlu olmuş, amma hal hazırda atılıb qalmış «Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza» ailəvi ticarət mərkəzinə mühafizəçi kimi işə düzəlir. İşin ilk gecəsi o başa düşür ki bu gecə növbəni səhərə çatdırmaq o qədər də asan olmayacaq.


In Pursuit with John Walsh

In Pursuit with John Walsh 2019


Victims' rights activist John Walsh and his son, Callahan, showcase time-sensitive, unsolved cases in desperate need of attention, mobilizing the public to engage in the pursuit of justice.


The Defence

The Defence 2018


Three-year-old Nikola Szlezyngier disappears in unexplained circumstances and her parents Angelika and Dawid are the main suspects. Angelika contacts an old friend Joanna Chylka, a brilliant, cynical and successful lawyer to help. With her new apprentice Kordian, Joanna will try to bring the case to a happy close.


The Gambler: The Adventure Continues

The Gambler: The Adventure Continues 1983


Brady Hawkes, Billy Montana, and Jeremiah Hawkes are on a train bound for a huge gambling event when the train is taken over by a gang of vicious killers in search of money. As ransom, the gang takes young Jeremiah hostage. Brady and Billy embark on a quest to rescue him and form a small gang of their own along the way.


The Dark: Forever Winter

The Dark: Forever Winter 2022


As the Forever Winter commences, surviving alone in the wilderness is 15 year old Lizzy, hardened by her experiences in a world that is quickly going to hell. One night, Lizzy is abducted and trapped in the basement of a large building with no apparent escape. She is shocked to discover that she is not her abductor's first victim, as she awakens surrounded by other children who, like her, had also been taken. Not one of the young prisoners understands their abductor's purpose, nor the plans he has for them.