
Субстанцията 2024


Залязваща знаменитост решава да използва наркотик на черния пазар - вещество за клетъчно възпроизвеждане, което временно създава по-млада и по-добра версия на самата нея.



Грозните 2024


Във футуристична антиутопия с наложени стандарти за красота тийнейджърка, която очаква задължителна козметична операция, се отправя на пътешествие, за да открие изчезналия си приятел.


Свалячът Хал

Свалячът Хал 2001


Джак Блек е Свалячът Хал - повърхностен фустогонец, който търси съвършената жена. Но след хипнозата на гуруто Тони Робинс, Джак започва да вижда само вътрешната красота… и не осъзнава, че поразително привлекателната му приятелка е всъщност 150-килограмова дебелана, която никак даже не е секси.


Мис Таен агент

Мис Таен агент 2000


Грейси Харт е агент на ФБР, която обаче има повече чиновнически задължения. Тя винаги е мечтала да й се възлагат по-рисковани задачи, и ето че късметът й се усмихва. Възложено й е да се внедри в организационния екип на конкурса за Мис Америка, след като в Бюрото се получава сигнал, че там вероятно ще има бомбен атентат.



Жените 2008


Kaĸвo cтaвa, ĸoгaтo cъчeтaeтe бpилянтeн звeздeн жeнcĸи eĸип нaчeлo c Meг Paйън и Aнeт Бeнинг, пpoчyтия ĸoмeдиeн cцeнapиcт, peжиcьop и пpoдyцeнт Дaян Инглиш ("Mъpфи Бpayн") и ĸлacичecĸa иcтopия зa гpyпa пpиятeлĸи в Hю Йopĸ? Oтгoвopът e "Жeнитe" - yмнa, блecтящa ĸoмeдия зa cъвpeмeннитe жeни и cилaтa нa жeнcĸитe oтнoшeния, бaзиpaнa нa филмa нa Джopдж Kюĸop oт 1939 г. и пиecaтa нa Kлep Бyти Лyc oт 1936 г. "Жeнитe" ни пpeнacя в нaтoвapeнoтo eжeднeвиe в Maнxaтън, ĸъдeтo в цeнтъpa нa cъбитиятa ca издaтeлcĸият бизнec, мoдaтa и финaнcитe. Цeнтpaлнa фигypa в cюжeтa e гepoинятa нa Paйън Mepи Xeйнc - нaпълнo мoдepнa жeнa, ĸoятo извeднъж ce изпpaвя пpeд cтapa дилeмa c нeвepeн cъпpyг. Дaмитe в живoтa ѝ бъpзo зacтaвaт нa нeйнa cтpaнa, вoдeни oт нaй-дoбpaтa ѝ пpиятeлĸa CИлви Фayлъp - eнepгичeн peдaĸтop нa cпиcaниe, чиятo poля ce изпълнявa oт Бeнинг. Ho ĸoгaтo Cилви пpeдaвa Mepи eднa cдeлĸa, цялaтa гpyпa e дълбoĸo пoтpeceнa.



Beau 1970



True Beauty

True Beauty 2020


Lim Ju-kyung is a high school student. Since she was little, she has had a complex about her appearance. To hide her bare face, Ju-kyung always wears make-up. Her excellent make-up skills make her pretty and she hides her bare face in front of others. She gets involved with 2 men; Lee Su-ho and Han Seo-jun.


True Beauty

True Beauty 2024


Once bullied for her looks, Jugyeong transforms herself using the art of makeup. When she joins a new school with a True Beauty goddess competition, offering winners the chance of recruitment by entertainment agencies, she instantly becomes a top candidate! But her new identity is at stake when heartthrob Suho Lee accidentally sees her bare face. Will her elite status be short-lived?


My ID is Gangnam Beauty

My ID is Gangnam Beauty 2018


When she suffers from frequent bullying because of her looks, Kang Mi-rae decides to get plastic surgery. However, this leads to more persecution and she tries to rebuild her morale.


Queen of the Ring

Queen of the Ring 2017


Nan Hee is an ugly girl and this has influenced her to become mean. One day, she receives a ring which holds a family secret. Se Gun is handsome, but he has a cold-blooded personality. Due to the magic of the ring, he declares Nan Hee as his ideal woman with a beautiful appearance.


Chubby Romance

Chubby Romance 2018


'How to Love Without Losing Myself' despite the problems of career, dating, and friends. The story is about a shy chubby student struggling with low self-esteem and body image issues. The story follows her journey of self-acceptance as she navigates friendships and relationships. With the support of her friends learns to embrace her unique qualities and discovers the true meaning of self-love in a society that often values external beauty.


Miss Naked Beauty

Miss Naked Beauty 2008


Miss Naked Beauty is a short-lived, six-episode reality television show produced by Maverick Television, aired on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom. The show, presented by Gok Wan and Myleene Klass, was conceived as a radical "reality" take on beauty pageants. Some 7000 women applied to become the "ultimate 21st century beauty queen". The focus of the program is on natural and diverse beauty, as opposed to surgically "enhanced" and conformist concepts of beauty. In the first episode, hundreds of remaining applicants were whittled down to just twelve finalists, by a panel of judges composed of fashion stylist Gok Wan, musician Myleene Klass, magazine editor James Brown, journalist Kathryn Flett and musician, actress and TV presenter Mica Paris. In subsequent episodes, various issues were explored such as body image, plastic surgery, self-esteem, modern versus Renaissance and earlier notions of beauty, eating disorders, over-reliance on makeup, the fashion industry. Meanwhile, the programme also progressed as a pageant, eliminating contestants in typical reality TV style, down to five finalists.


Prinsesser fra Blokken

Prinsesser fra Blokken 2016


Documentary about teenagers and young women from the suburbs of Copenhagen.


Body Image

Body Image 1970


A series of films looking at the different shapes and sizes of bodies and people's attitudes to them


Extreme Male Beauty

Extreme Male Beauty 2009


Extreme Male Beauty is a British documentary series which began airing on Channel 4 and features television presenter Tim Shaw as he explores the various lengths men will go to in order to achieve the beauty standards placed on them. The series criticises the modelling industry and the 'perfect' body images shown in the media and, whilst Shaw attempts to conform to the desirable body images sold by advertisers. Some criticised the show for having an over-complicated format.