Ong Bak 2, La llegenda del Rei Elefant

Ong Bak 2, La llegenda del Rei Elefant 2008


Tien és un nen que fuig per salvar la seva vida. No entén per què, però tota la seva família ha estat assassinada i no té on amagar-se. Capturat per comerciants d'esclaus, el seu coratge i el seu esperit de lluitador el salvaran d'una mort segura. Tien és rescatat per una quadrilla de bandolers que ho acolliran i l'instruiran en les arts marcials, convertint-se en un gran guerrer. Ja adult, Tien (Tony Jaa) vol trobar resposta als misteris de la seva infància i, sobretot, vol sadollar la seves ganes de venjança per la cruel mort dels seus pares... Continuació de l'aclamada pel·lícula d'arts marciales "Ong Bak". En aquesta ocasió el protagonista, Tony Jaa, també s'encarregarà de la direcció.



Kickboxer 1989


L'Eric Sloane, viatja amb el seu germà Kurt a Tailàndia, país d'on és originari el kickboxing, per enfrontar-se al seu campió: Tong Po. Malgrat els advertiments del seu germà, l'Eric decideix enfrontar-se al seu adversari. Però tot va malament, l'Eric és colpejat salvatgement i deixat per mort a la carretera.


Beautiful Boxer

Beautiful Boxer 2003


Creient que és una noia atrapada en un cos de noi des de nen, Parinya Charoenphol (familiarment conegut com Nong Toom a Tailàndia) es proposa dominar l'esport més masculí i letal: Muay Thai (kickboxing tailandès) per guanyar-se la vida i per aconseguir el seu objectiu final de feminitat total. Commovedora, divertida, amb impactants escenes de kickboxing tailandès, Beautiful Boxer descriu la infància de Nong Toom, la seva vida adolescent com a monjo viatger, els seus penosos dies en els campaments de boxa i explosius combats on venç a la majoria dels seus oponents en tota Tailàndia i Japó.


The Ringmaster

The Ringmaster 2021


Muay Thai champion Hoi Ching-hei manages to hold his ground in his farewell match. After a celebration, he abruptly dies as he quarrels with someone while saving a woman. Hoi Ching-nam reviews his elder brother Ching-hei’s boxing match video and finds out the cause of death has something to do with coach Shek Ngo-shan. Ngo-shan develops his boxing club business and transforms into a successful merchant. He is interviewed by famous TV presenter Man Sin-yin. To attain certain objective, socialite Lui Kin wants to gain a foothold in the realm of Muay Thai. She becomes a consultant to a combat sports association. She encounters Ngo-shan and develops a subtle relationship with him. To seek justice for his late elder brother, Ching-nam becomes boxing champion Yip Ying-fung’s disciple. With assistance from a wealthy man’s daughter, Kong Ka-ching, and his childhood buddy Shek Tsz-chung, Ching-nam is determined to step into the boxing ring and go after Ngo-shan.


Hurts Like Hell

Hurts Like Hell 2022


From illegal gambling to match-fixing, discover the seedy underworld behind the once-revered sport of Muay Thai in this drama inspired by real events.


Muepuen Pho Luk Tit

Muepuen Pho Luk Tit 2017


Jon, a graduate from the Faculty of Forestry, works currently as a taxi driver. Then someday, one of his customers tries to rob Jon. While struggling to free himself, the taxi drives off the road and interrupts Doctor Manop's attempt to convince Nanpanas into marrying him. Jon and the robber drop out the car, the robber then takes Nanpanas as a hostage and drives off with her. Jon hops on a motorcycle and follows the taxi until the robber accidentally crashes the car into a tree. After he arrives, Jon uses his Muay Thai skills to defeat the robber. Soon after, the police reach the accident site, they arrest the robber and everyone continues on their lives. Later on, Nanpadas decides to look for the helping stranger and the love story begins...


The Art of 8 Limbs

The Art of 8 Limbs 2018


A series of episodic martial art documentaries that follow amateur fighters as they train for an upcoming match. Each episode culminates in a thrilling, and fully sanctioned fight. Viewers are treated to emotional, personal stories alongside plenty of combat sport action.