Harry Potter i el pres d'Azkaban 2004
En el seu tercer any a Hogwarts en Harry te un nou professor de defensa contra les arts fosques, que es troba en problemes.
En el seu tercer any a Hogwarts en Harry te un nou professor de defensa contra les arts fosques, que es troba en problemes.
Amb setze anys complerts, Harry inicia el sisè curs en Hogwarts enmig de terribles esdeveniments que assolen Anglaterra. Elegit capità de l'equip de Quidditch, els entrenaments, els exàmens i les noies ocupen tot el seu temps, però la tranquil·litat dura poc. Malgrat els ferris controls de seguretat que protegeixen l'escola, dos alumnes són brutalment atacats. Dumbledore sap que s'acosta el moment, anunciat per la Profecia, que Harry i Voldemort s'enfrontaran a mort: «L'únic de poder per vèncer al Senyor Tenebrós s'acosta... Un dels dos ha de morir a les mans de l'altre, perquè cap dels dos podrà viure mentre segueixi l'altre amb vida». L'ancià director sol·licitarà l'ajuda de Harry, i junts emprendran perillosos viatges per intentar debilitar l'enemic, per a la qual cosa el jove mag comptarà amb l'ajuda d'un vell llibre de pocions pertanyent a un misteriós príncep, algú que es fa dir Príncep Mestís.
Després de descobrir un misteriós joc de cartes, una família viatja en el temps a un poble medieval on s'ha d'enfrontar a perillosos homes llop cada nit.
Harry ha de trobar i destruir els horricreus, set objectes màgics que emmagatzemen un fragment de l’ànima de Voldemort i en garanteixen la immortalitat. El jove aprenent de mag Harry Potter acompanyat pels seus amics Ron Weasley i Hermione Granger viatgen per la Gran Bretanya per trobar els horricreus. La tasca no serà fàcil ja que els cavallers de la mort cada cop cobren més poder i totes les lleialtats són posades a prova.
En aquesta nova història, Selene haurà de lluitar tant amb el clan dels Lycans com contra els vampirs que la van trair. Amb David i el seu pare Thomas com els seus únics aliats, haurà de detenir l'eterna guerra entre lycans i vampirs, encara que això signifiqui que hagi de fer el darrer sacrifci.
"Underworld: La rebel·lió dels licantrops" ens explica els orígens de la guerra entre vampirs i licantrops. Rhona Mitra dóna vida a Sonja, la filla de Viktor (Bill Nighy), líder dels vampirs, qui desafia les lleis de la seva raça en enamorar-se de Lucian (Michael Sheen), líder dels licantrops.
Després d'haver estat en un estat similar al coma durant quinze anys, la vampir Selene descobreix que té una filla de catorze anys meitat vampir, meitat licantrop anomenada Nissa. Quan la trobi haurà de detenir a Biocom en el seu intent per crear una raça de super-licantrops...
Els vampirs es troben en guerra amb els homes-llop des de fa segles. Finalment sembla que el retrocés dels licantrops és imparable, tot i les seves noves armes de tecnologia avançada. Selene, una agent de la mort, descobreix un complot dins dels vampirs per fer-se amb el control del clan.
Cinc joves se'n van a passar un cap de setmana a una cabana aïllada al bosc. Quan es posen a explorar-la, se'ls obre una trapa que porta al soterrani. Allà hi troben una estranya varietat d'objectes antics i curiosos. Però quan una de les noies, la Dana, es posa a llegir unes frases en llatí del diari d'una nena que havia viscut allà, desperta una família de zombis assassins. Al mateix temps, hi ha una gran organització dedicada a espiar tot el que fan els joves. Aviat, un dels nois s'adona que ell i els seus amics són com marionetes, i que hi ha algú que els mou els fils i governa el seu destí.
Clary Fray és una adolescent ordinària de Brooklyn fins a la nit que coneix al misteriós noi dels tatuatges Jace, qui resulta ser un guerrer mig àngel conegut com a caçador d'ombres. Quan Clary descobreix que la seva mare Jocelyn ha estat raptada, desesperadament espera que Jace pugui ajudar-la. Després d'entrar en un portal daurat que la transporta a través del temps i espai en un batec de cor, Clary s'adona que ella també té poders dels caçadors d'ombres. Però pot aprofitar-los a temps per salvar a la seva mare?
Després de la mort d'en Viktor, la Selene espera obtenir el favor d'en Marcus, el darrer líder dels vampirs, per tal d'intercedir a favor de l'híbrid Michael. De mentre en Marcus ha despertat més poderós que mai.
Un adolescent es trasllada d'una gran ciutat a un petit poble, on descobreix els seus nous i estranys veïns, amb els que viurà aventures absurdes i inquietants.
La infantesa de Lawrence Talbot va quedar marcada per la traumàtica mort del seu pare. Lawrence va marxar del seu poble i va trigar molts anys a recuperar-se de la pèrdua. Un dia, la promesa del seu germà va a buscar-lo perquè l'ajudi. El seu germà ha desaparegut misteriosament. Lawrence torna a casa i s'assabenta que hi ha hagut tot un seguit de morts brutals. La llegenda del lloc parla d'homes llop...
The story of two vampire brothers obsessed with the same girl, who bears a striking resemblance to the beautiful but ruthless vampire they knew and loved in 1864.
Scott McCall, a high school student living in the town of Beacon Hills has his life drastically changed when he's bitten by a werewolf, becoming one himself. He must henceforth learn to balance his problematic new identity with his day-to-day teenage life. The following characters are instrumental to his struggle: Stiles, his best friend; Allison, his love interest who comes from a family of werewolf hunters; and Derek, a mysterious werewolf with a dark past. Throughout the series, he strives to keep his loved ones safe while maintaining normal relationships with them.
Thanks to a Japanese scientist's invention of synthetic, blood vampires have progressed from legendary monsters to fellow citizens overnight. And while humans have been safely removed from the menu, many remain apprehensive about these creatures "coming out of the coffin." Religious leaders, government officials, and vampire fundamentalists around the world have chosen their sides, but in the small Louisiana town of Bon Temps, the jury is still out.
In a place where young witches, vampires, and werewolves are nurtured to be their best selves in spite of their worst impulses, Klaus Mikaelson’s daughter, 17-year-old Hope Mikaelson, Alaric Saltzman’s twins, Lizzie and Josie Saltzman, among others, come of age into heroes and villains at The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted.
A spin-off from The Vampire Diaries and set in New Orleans, The Originals centers on the Mikaelson siblings, otherwise known as the world's original vampires: Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah. Now Klaus must take down his protégé, Marcel, who is now in charge of New Orleans, in order to re-take his city, as he originally built New Orleans. Klaus departed from the city after being chased down by his father Mikael, while it was being constructed and Marcel took charge. As Klaus has returned after many years, his ego has provoked him to become the king of the city. "Every King needs an heir" says Klaus, accepting the unborn child. The child is a first to be born to a hybrid and a werewolf.
Dark Shadows is an American gothic soap opera that originally aired weekdays on the ABC television network, from June 27, 1966, to April 2, 1971. The show was created by Dan Curtis. The story bible, which was written by Art Wallace, does not mention any supernatural elements. It was unprecedented in daytime television when ghosts were introduced about six months after it began. The series became hugely popular when vampire Barnabas Collins appeared a year into its run. Dark Shadows also featured werewolves, zombies, man-made monsters, witches, warlocks, time travel, and a parallel universe. A small company of actors each played many roles; indeed, as actors came and went, some characters were played by more than one actor. Major writers besides Art Wallace included Malcolm Marmorstein, Sam Hall, Gordon Russell, and Violet Welles.
When Clary Fray's mother has disappeared, Clary joins a band of Shadowhunters; demon killing hunters, and gets caught up in a plan to save the world.
The gorgeous and charismatic Bo is a supernatural being called a succubus who feeds on the energy of humans, sometimes with fatal results. Refusing to embrace her supernatural clan and its rigid hierarchy, Bo is a renegade who takes up the fight for the underdog while searching for the truth about her own mysterious origins.
A family of friendly monsters that have misadventures all while never quite understanding why people react to them so strangely.
Some of literature's most terrifying characters, including Dr. Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and iconic figures from the novel Dracula are lurking in the darkest corners of Victorian London. Penny Dreadful is a frightening psychological thriller that weaves together these classic horror origin stories into a new adult drama.
Out to avenge his mother's death, a college student pledges a secret order and lands in a war between werewolves and practitioners of dark magic.
One cannot quench his all-consuming thirst. The other cannot tame the beast clawing its way out. In the sleepy Pennsylvania village of Hemlock Grove, two young men struggle to accept painful truths: about family, themselves, the mystery of the White Tower - and a terrifying new threat so powerful it will turn them from predators into prey.
Mina Tepeş, the Princess of the ancient covenant and ruler of all vampires, wants her race to stop hiding from the humans. Using her vast wealth, she has paid off Japan's entire national debt and by doing so, gained the right to create a district off Japan's coast that is to become the future haven to vampires worldwide. But when she finally attempts to make public the existence of vampires to the world some politicians, terrorists and rival factions are plotting to assassinate Mina before she has a chance to get Japan's and international recognition for the Vampire Bund. Now she must rely on her strength, cruelty and those closest to her, while trying to make a normal life.
Meet Keelin, Vladimir and Wilko, also known as The Nightwatch, a secret covenant with only one purpose: fight the evil from the underworld.
Deciding to turn over a new leaf, a group of friends who also happen to be vampires and werewolves move into a house together, only to find that it is haunted by ghosts of people who have been killed under mysterious circumstances. As they deal with the challenges of being supernatural creatures, their desire to be human bonds them.
When a raging wildfire releases a supernatural creature, four young adults find themselves drawn together under a full moon.
Elena Micheals thought she left the world of supernatural behind when she left Stonehaven behind 'for good this time' she thought. Until the night she got the mysterious call from her pack leader asking her to come back. So now she is heading back, leaving her life as a normal photographer in Toronto for the moment to re-enter the world of werewolves, rules about protect the pack and a man she has spent years trying to get out of her system. Oh and did she mention she was the only living female werewolf in existence?
Three paranormal roommates, a ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf, struggle to keep their dark secrets from the world, while helping each other navigate the complexities of living double lives.
Being a teenager is hard enough. Being a Wolfblood teenager is ten times more complicated. 14 year old Maddy loves her abilities - heightened senses, being faster, stronger and more graceful - but hates the secrets that come with them.
The main character, Ranze, is a junior high girl with troubles: her father is a vampire and her mother is a werewolf. Ranze has yet to manifest her supernatural powers, and her parents are beginning to get worried she might be normal. So begins the fantasy romantic comedy story.