Paraula clau Insurance Investigator
El carter sempre truca dues vegades 1981
Als Estats Units, durant la Gran Depressió, un rodamón arriba a un restaurant situat en una carretera secundària. El propietari li ofereix una feina, però ell ho rebutja. Tot i això, quan veu la dona del propietari, el foraster decideix quedar-se.
La maledicció de l’escorpí de Jade 2001
Als anys quaranta en CW Briggs, és considerat el millor investigador d'una companyia d'assegurances de Nova York, es porta fatal amb Betty Ann, una implacable executiva que ha vingut a optimitzar els recursos de la companyia i que, més a més està embolicada amb el cap. Per celebrar un aniversari, els empleats de l'empresa acudeixen a veure un espectacle de màgia, on en CW i la Betty Ann se sotmeten a una sessió de hipnosis. Des d'aquest moment, es produeixen uns misteriosos robatoris que porten de cap a l'agència d'assegurances.
Al cor de la por 1995
John Trent és un cínic investigador que segueix la pista de Sutter Cane, un escriptor que desapareix misteriosament i que, a través de les novel·les de terror, exerceix un estrany poder sobre els seus lectors.
The Running Man 1963
Sol ardent 1979
Dekker, un detectiu prestigiós que treballa per a una agència d'assegurances, és contractat per investigar una reclamació de cinc milions de dòlars després de l'assassinat d'un important home de negocis d'Acapulco. Dekker contracta Ellie, una ingènua però preciosa model, perquè es faci passar per la seva dona. Aviat les hauran de veure amb una banda internacional que segresta Ellie. Aleshores Dekker recorrerà a tota mena de mitjans per rescatar-la.
Manhandled 1949
검은 집 2007
Crack-Up 1946
Roadblock 1951
Lighthouse 1947
The Fire Raisers 1934
Snow Job 1972
Female Fugitive 1938
The Wrong Road 1937
Below the Deadline 1936
Assignment to Kill 1968
Escapement 1958
Bad Sisters 2022
The tight-knit Garvey sisters have always looked out for one another. But when the toxic brother-in-law they all wanted dead actually dies, it turns their lives upside down and tests their bond like nothing before.
Mad Dog 2017
Choi Kang-Woo is a former detective, but he now works as a veteran insurance investigator. He leads a team that attempts to reveal insurance fraud cases.
Big Man 1988
The renowned Insurance International Co. has created an enquiry network, headed by detective Jack Clementi, to defend itself against insurance fraud. Jack has saved the company enormous amounts of money throughout his successful investigations and his bosses are more than willing put up with his brusque manners, his disconcerting frankness, and his intolerance for any form of company bureaucracy. Yet he is a big guy with a huge heart.
Dick and the Duchess 1957
Dick and the Duchess is a rare 1950s CBS situation comedy filmed and set in London. In the story line, Jane's family had difficulty accepting Dick both as an American and a "commoner". Jane often got involved in a comical vein in Dick's insurance cases. Beatrice Varley appeared in a supporting role as Mathilda.
Kasko 2022
The Investigators 1961
The Investigators is a short-lived American adventure/drama television series that aired on CBS from October 5, to December 28, 1961.
マルホの女 2014
Kashiwagi Natsuko, who has stayed in the US for a long time, is a new investigator of Adjust Research, an insurance investigation firm. She possesses scientific genius and vast personal wealth, but has a tendency to feel out of place in Japanese society which is overly logical. On the other hand, Tono Aki is a veteran investigator in the same company. Born in the old part of Tokyo and a former delinquent, she is rather stingy because she lived in poverty when she was growing up. However, she has superb memory and animal instincts. Natsuko and Aki make an odd combination as they confront ingenious crimes associated with insurance money and expose the truth.