Els imprevistos de l’amor

Els imprevistos de l’amor 2014


La Rosie i l'Alex són els millors amics del mon i viuen a Dublín. Des de nens, han confiat l'un en l'altre i han compartit tots els seus secrets. A l'institut, van fer plans per anar junts a la universitat. La Rosie, però, en una nit de passió amb un dels nois més populars de la classe, queda embarassada. Quan està a punt d'explicar-ho a l'Alex, aquest li explica que ha estat admès a la facultat de Medicina de Harvard.


El somni de la meva vida

El somni de la meva vida 2004


L'únic que desitja Jenna Rink en el seu tretzè aniversari és ser maca i popular. Després d'una experiència humiliant davant del noi més guai de l'escola, la Jenna vol ferventment tenir una nova vida. Miraculosament el seu desig es fa realitat: de la nit al dia passen 17 anys i ella desperta convertida en una dona de trenta.


Sense compromís

Sense compromís 2011


Emma (Natalie Portman) i Adam (Ashton Kutcher) són, des de fa molt de temps, dos bons amics, però gairebé arruïnen la seva relació per passar una nit junts. Decideixen, doncs, preservar la seva amistat per sobre de tot, encara que tinguin relacions íntimes. Ben aviat descobriran que és molt difícil mantenir una relació estrictament física sense contraure cap compromís i al marge dels sentiments


En Zack i la Miri fan una porno

En Zack i la Miri fan una porno 2008


El Zack Brown i la Miri Linky són amics des de l'institut i comparteixen apartament juntament amb una muntanya de factures impagades. En una festa es retroben amb un antic company de l'escola que s'ha convertit en una estrella del porno. Gràcies a ell se'ls hi ocorre que podrien fer front als seus deutes rodant una pel·lícula porno casolana amb ajuda dels seus amics.


La boda de la meva nòvia

La boda de la meva nòvia 2008


Per a Tom, la vida és meravellosa: és un triomfador a la feina i també amb les dones i té una boníssima amiga en qui confiar, l'encantadora Hannah. Però un dia, l'Hannah ha de fer un viatge llarg i aleshores Tom se n'adona de la buidor que experimenta sense ella. Decideix demanar-li que es casin quan ella torni, però el problema és que l'Hannah arriba i li explica que s'ha promès amb un altre...


Un pla perfecte

Un pla perfecte 2012


Història d'un grup d'amics als qui l'arribada dels fills canvia les seves vides per complet. Els dos únics que romanen solters, conscients del que suposa cuidar d'un nen, decideixen tenir-ne un de junts, però amb la condició de poder seguir sortint amb altres persones.



Chihayafuru 2011


Chihaya Ayase has spent most of her life supporting her sister’s model career. When she meets a boy named Arata Wataya, he thinks Chihaya has potential to become a great karuta player. As Chihaya dreams of becoming Japan's best karuta player, she is soon separated from her karuta playing friends. Now in high school, Chihaya still plays karuta in the hope that she will one day meet her friends again.


Dawson's Creek

Dawson's Creek 1998


Dawson's Creek is an American teen drama that portrays the fictional lives of a close-knit group of teenagers through high school and college.


Baby Daddy

Baby Daddy 2012


Baby Daddy follows Ben, a young man in his early 20s living the life of a bachelor in New York City with his buddy, Tucker, and his brother, Danny. Their lives are turned upside down when they come home one day to find a baby girl left on the doorstep by an ex-girlfriend of Ben's. After much deliberation, Ben decides to raise the baby with the help of his friends and his protective and sometimes over-bearing mother, Bonnie, and his close female friend, Riley.



Everwood 2002


After the death of his wife, world-class neurosurgeon Dr. Andrew Brown leaves Manhattan and moves his family to the small town of Everwood, Colorado. There he becomes a small-town doctor and learns parenting on the fly as he raises his talented but resentful 15-year-old son Ephram and his 9-year-old daughter Delia.


Faking It

Faking It 2014


A romantic comedy about two best friends who love each other -- in slightly different ways. After numerous failed attempts to become popular, the girls are mistakenly outed as lesbians, which launches them to instant celebrity status. Seduced by their newfound fame, Karma and Amy decide to keep up their romantic ruse.


Romance Is a Bonus Book

Romance Is a Bonus Book 2019


A gifted writer who's the youngest editor-in-chief ever at his publishing company gets enmeshed in the life of a former copywriter desperate for a job.



Lovesick 2014


After finding out he has an STI, Dylan must get back in touch with every girl he has ever had sex with to let them know the bad news.


Flash Forward

Flash Forward 1995


A look at the lives of two best friends and neighbors since birth, Tucker and Rebecca, and their respective adventures as they travel through the world of eighth grade.


Golden Bowl

Golden Bowl 2002


Focus, concentration, proper posture and good release are the hallmarks of a good bowler. Welcome to Golden Bowl bowling alley. A bit rundown and small but no worse for wear, the Golden Bowl is stockbroker Shu Akutagawa's favorite haunt. A regular, he likes nothing better than the rumble of the bowl running down the alley and crash and crackle of the pins tumbling down. When a beautiful, older and married neighbor - who shares the same name as his old flame Hitomi - makes an appearance at the Golden Bowl, things start to heat up as Shu teams up with her to challenge some pro bowlers. Will Shu be as lucky with Hitomi as he is with the pins? --NTV



Broken 2016


Jen and Mike are best friends who end up alone together on New Year's Eve. Before they know it, they're married and realizing they may not be right for each other. Now they have to learn how to be exes, from sharing friends to dating other people, all while maybe still having some feelings for each other. As relationship statuses go, this one's complicated.