Paraula clau High School Friends
Grease 1978
Sandy i Danny han passat un romàntic i meravellós estiu junts, però les vacances es van acabar i els camins es van separar. En tornar a l'institut Rydell, tots dos tornen a trobar-se de manera sorprenent, però el problema és que la imatge i actitud de Danny no és la mateixa que durant l'estiu: ja no és l'encantador i atent noi que va enlluernar Sandy, sinó algú cregut i insensible que només vol presumir de dur davant dels amics.
Megan Is Missing 2011
I'm Not Ashamed 2016
Contes de por per explicar-los a les fosques 2019
És la nit de Halloween de l'any 1968 i tres amics adolescents -l'Stella, en Chuck i l'Auggie- fan una broma escatològica als pinxos del poble que cada any els roben els caramels que recullen per les cases. Quan els pinxos els empaiten, s'amaguen en un autocinema dins del cotxe d'un noi que es diu Ramon, a qui després conviden a visitar una casa abandonada que havia estat de la família rica del poble i que es diu que està embruixada des que la filla de la família -la Sarah Bellows- s'hi va penjar. Dins de la casa, troben un misteriós llibre de contes de por escrits per la Sarah.
Little Bitches 2018
The Perfect Match 2016
Ghost world 2001
Dues amigues no acaben de trobar el seu lloc al món. Després d'una etapa adolescent en la qual van passar per l'institut totalment desapercebudes, afronten el pas a l'edat adulta de la mateixa manera: la seva existència la marquen feines d'escàs interès i relacions amb nois iguals que elles.
Comiat de soltera 2012
La nit abans del casament de la seva amiga, tres dames d'honor surten buscant una mica de diversió, i en trobaran molta més de la que necessiten. Els membres de la colla dels nuvis, amics des de l'institut, es reuneixen per a una última festa de solters a Nova York. Però quan la núvia insisteix que sigui una festa light, les noies es munten la seva pròpia. Les coses es posen salvatges ben aviat...
Like Father Like Son 1987
劇場版 巨蟲列島 2020
リズと青い鳥 2018
Recovery 2016
Immadurs 2011
Un bon dia, un grup d'antics alumnes d'un institut de Roma, que ara ronden els quaranta anys, reben la inesperada notícia que per uns problemes burocràtics al ministeri d'educació hauran de repetir l'examen de maduresa que havien fet a l'acabar el batxillerat. Amb motiu d'aquest nou examen, els amics es retrobaran i es veuran obligats a posar al dia antics comptes pendents entre ells.
Seven Days War 2019
En Mamoru Suzuhara és un introvertit estudiant d’institut que es passa el dia llegint llibres d’història i estratègia militar. Després d’assabentar-se que la noia que li agrada, l'Aya Chiyono, es resisteix a mudar-se amb la seva família a Tòquio, decideix reunir el valor necessari per a demanar-li que s’escapoleixi amb ell. Acompanyats per quatre amics, decideixen ocultar-se dels adults en una fàbrica de carbó abandonada. Però després del primer dia de diversió, arriben a la sorprenent conclusió que no estan solos a la fàbrica i coneixen la Malet, una nena tailandesa que fuig de l’oficina d’immigració. Quan l’endemà al matí els agents de l’oficina d’immigració irrompen en el lloc, en Mamoru i els seus amics els repel·leixen convertint la seva petita rebel·lió en una guerra oberta contra els adults.
Tape 2001
Dude 2018
Amigues mortals 2021
La Haley, l'Abby i l'Elaine són molt amigues però també són rivals. Totes tres són molt competitives i volen ser la millor de l'equip d'atletisme de l'institut. Un dia l'Abby rellisca al vestidor i es dona un cop al cap que li causa la mort. La policia sospita que potser no ha sigut un accident fortuït i totes les pistes assenyalen la Haley que -com tothom de l'institut sap- no ha superat la mort del seu pare i té problemes per gestionar la ràbia. La mare de l'Abby farà tot el possible per demostrar que la seva filla és innocent.
No Time to Be Young 1957
Regular Show 2010
Two bored groundskeepers, Mordecai (a six-foot-tall blue jay) and Rigby (a hyperactive raccoon) are best friends who spend their days trying to entertain themselves by any means necessary, much to the displeasure of their boss. Their everyday pursuits often lead to things spiraling out of control and into the surreal.
Best Friends 2007
Best Friends follows the life of a group of friends at their high school ‘Spangalis College’. Inside and outside of school exciting and challenging experiences take place. Growing up is never easy; every character has its own, unique story of love, friendship, loneliness, sorrow, discovery. There is drama and joy in school, family, teachers, parents, divorce, bullying, and always dreams for the future.
School Days 2007
A rumor states that if you take a photo of someone you like with your cellphone and keep it hidden, they'll fall for you. Will Makoto win his love by taking a picture of Kotonoha without anyone knowing?
Boyhood 2023
Jang Byeong-tae is a small and weak boy living in Onyang in South Chungcheong Province. He's at the bottom of the school's social ladder and when he transfers to the neighboring Buyeo Agricultural High School, he faces an unexpected incident that becomes a turning point in his life.
Laguna Beach 2004
Like other teens in California, the lives of the Laguna Beach teenagers are filled with sandy beaches, beautiful friends and love triangles. But unlike other teens, they had cameras following them around. It may look like fantasyland, but they're not acting: they really are this rich and beautiful. For them, life really is a day at the beach.
High School Love 2002
Cinta SMU is an Indonesian soap opera produced by Rapi Films which premiered on 21 March 21 2002 on Indosiar. This soap opera stars Nabila Syakieb, Hessel Steven, and Zaskia Adya Mecca.
Is This What It Feels Like? 2003
Jason, Aldi, and Jono are best friends who are always together. They always face incidents at school and outside of school together, with their silliness.
Moshidora 2011
Minami joins her High School baseball team as a team manager after finding out that her best friend Yuuki is in the hospital and can't be a team manager any more. In order to try to fill in for Yuuki and to help out the team the best she can, she goes out to find a book on how to manage a baseball team. Unfortunately, she accidentally buys Peter Drucker's book called "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices" which is actually about how to properly manage a business. Because she couldn't return the book, she decides to read it anyway and to try to apply the business management concepts to the baseball team so that way they can go on and win the Nationals.
Big Girls Don't Cry 2024
In this coming-of-age drama series, five schoolgirls staying away from home find solace and friendship in each other. But their bonds are tested when they realize people change as they grow up. Welcome to Vandana Valley.
После школы 2012
Clipped 2015
Clipped centers on a group of barbershop coworkers who all went to high school together but ran in very different crowds. Now they find themselves working together at Buzzy's, a barbershop in Charlestown, Massachusetts.
Teenagers 2014
A web series that depicts the intersecting lives of several off-beat 21st century teenagers.
ABG 2002
The lives of Ardi, Desi, and their friends in their high school lives.
Basic Bitch 2020
Four normal girls could've moved to Oslo with ambitious #lifegoals and unstoppable career opportunities, but who prefer a comfortable existence back home.
Crazy Fun Park 2023
A shy teen wants desperately to fit in and enjoy his high school years if only his dead best friend and a posse of rotting ghouls would stop sabotaging him at every turn.
Ciguatera 2023
Bullied by his classmates, Ogino Yusuke lives his life in hell. After becoming obsessed with motorbikes, Yusuke starts attending driving school in secret where he meets Nagumo Yumi, and the two begin dating.
Our Love Triangle 2024
Hae Lin is a university student who has just landed in a complicated romantic quandary. She recently partnered with a junior named Woo Jin at a freshman event. And ever since, she has noticed feelings welling up – almost certainly the pull of attraction. At the same time, the man she had a crush on in her school days – Eun Hwan – returns to university with a bout of memory loss. Eun Hwan left the university some two years ago after an unpleasant incident that he cannot remember. He has since completed his military service. And when he meets Hae Lin again, he appears keen to pick up the relationship where they left off. Hae Lin feels her heartstrings being pulled in two directions at the same time. Will Cupid resolve this complicated love triangle – or are these young people on the road to heartbreak?
SpangaS: Leergeld 2010
Always Home 1970
A group of '90s friends—Jing Qichi, Song Cong, Chen Huaner, and Qi Qi—grow up in a doctor's family compound. Together, they navigate their teenage years, chase dreams, and explore love and friendship in this nostalgic tale of youth.