Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins 1964


Durant el regnat d'Eduard VII (1901-1910), una família anglesa formada per un pare banquer, una mare sufragista i dos nens rebels --que pretenen cridar l'atenció del seu pare fent la vida impossible a totes les mainaderes-- es veurà alterada amb l'arribada de Mary Poppins, una institutriu molt especial, que baixa dels núvols emprant el seu paraigua com a paracaigudes. Debut i Oscar per a Julie Andrews en aquest clàssic del cinema familiar que al seu dia va batre rècords de taquilla. Una mainadera màgica i cançons enganxoses que faran les delícies dels més petits de casa.



Sufragistes 2015


Retrat intimista de com es van organitzar algunes treballadores de diversa procedència social per demanar el vot femení a l’Anglaterra de principis del segle XX. I com van haver de vèncer tota mena de dificultats per aconseguir-ho.



Grev 2021



Parade's End

Parade's End 2012


The story of a love triangle between a conservative English aristocrat, his mean socialite wife and a young suffragette in the midst of World War I and a Europe on the brink of profound change.


Up the Women

Up the Women 2013


It's 1910 and we're in Banbury church hall at the Banbury Intricate Craft Circle. Margaret has been to London and discovered the Women's Suffrage movement so she decides they need to set up their own movement and The Banbury Intricate Craft Circle becomes the hilariously ineffectual Banbury Intricate Craft Circle politely request women's Suffrage. Gwen is the only member who actually enjoys the craft element of the meetings, while Helen thinks that craft is a little unnecessary, but she's not interested in women's rights: "What on earth do women need a vote for? My husband votes for who I tell him to vote for. What could be a better system than that?"