El llegat viking

El llegat viking 2016


A l'antiguitat, es creia que hi havia set pergamins sagrats que atorgaven poder i prosperitat als qui els posseïen. La profecia deia que un nadó de sang reial pura, algun dia aprofitaria el poder i governaria les nacions. Mentre els homes lluitaven pels pergamins, un rei els va obtenir i els lliurà al Consell cristià perquè els guardés. Quan es va estendre la notícia, els senyors de la guerra el van assassinar a sang freda i la seva filla, com els pergamins, es van haver d’amagar esperant el dia que es compliria la profecia.


Dawn of the Croods

Dawn of the Croods 2015


The world's first family is back for more laughs as they discover sports, sleepovers and other wonders in a world of exotic creatures and adventures. This 2D animated cartoon is based on the 3D animated feature film, "The Croods".



Romulus 2020


The story of Romulus and his twin brother Remus, in eighth century B.C. as seen through the eyes of three people marked by death, loneliness and violence.


Ancient Engineering

Ancient Engineering 2021


Using the latest technological insights, this series sheds new light on how incredible feats of ancient engineering were achieved and how they continue to influence modern-day engineers and shape our world.


The Frankincense Trail

The Frankincense Trail 2009


Series in which intrepid presenter Kate Humble follows the ancient frankincense trade route of Arabia across the amazing modern world of the Middle East. Kate's journey along the 2,000-mile trail that first connected the Arab world with the West takes her on a quest that's steeped in history, searing with desert heat, and full of characters and adventure.