La teoria del tot

La teoria del tot 2014


Relació entre el famós astrofísic Stephen Hawking i la seva primera dona, Jane Wilde, des que tots dos es van conèixer quan estudiaven a la Universitat de Cambridge al començament dels anys 60. Als 21 anys Hawking rep una notícia esfereïdora: pateix esclerosi lateral amiotròfica, més coneguda com a ELA. Amb la Jane lluitant incansablement al seu costat, Hawking desafia totes les probabilitats i obre nous camins en la ciència.



Salminggenen 2023


When Börje Salming becomes ill with ALS, Bianca Salming’s life is turned upside down. Suddenly, a strong, safe and supportive father is not by her side when she invests in becoming the best in the world in athletics. Bianca decides to get to know the greatness and driving forces of her father, the hockey legend. She wants to understand and take with her what made Börje Salming the best in the world, one of Sweden’s most beloved sports personalities and a beloved husband, brother and father. The series follows Bianca Salming’s life and sports career from November 2021 to September 2023. During that time, Börje Salming falls ill and dies of ALS, then follows Bianca’s struggle to move on in life and her sports career without her father.