
Presoners 2013


El Dover i els Birch són dues famílies veïnes que es reuneixen per celebrar el dia d'Acció de Gràcies. Després de dinar, descobreixen amb horror que les filles petites dels dos matrimonis han desaparegut després d'haver estat jugant al carrer a prop d'una misteriosa autocaravana. L'inspector de policia encarregat del cas trobarà estranys vincles entre la desaparició de les menors i altres casos de segrestos de nens i haurà de fer front a la incomprensió del pare d'una de les nenes, un home profundament religiós que decidirà actuar pel seu compte caient en una espiral d'autodestrucció.



Ray 2004



The Color Purple

The Color Purple 2023


Adaptació musical de la novel·la d'Alice Walker sobre les lluites de tota la vida d'una dona afroamericana que viu al sud a principis del segle XX.



Deliverance 1972


Quatre amics que viuen a la ciutat decideixen passar un cap de setmana als Montes Apalaches. Volen baixar amb canoa un riu que travessa un bosc que aviat serà inundat per a la construcció d'una presa. Després d'una jornada plaent, la trobada amb els indígenes de la zona converteix l'excursió en un malson angoixant.


La filla del General

La filla del General 1999


Un tenaç i astut oficial d'elit de la divisió de recerca criminal de l'exèrcit nord-americà rep una nova missió: trobar, juntament amb una col·lega, l'assassí de la filla d'un famós general, que tenia càrrec de capità. Podrà arrestar qualsevol membre de l'Exèrcit sobre el qual recaiguin les seves sospites, però l'assumpte es complica quan van descobrint que la vida privada de la morta fa sospitosos tots els residents de Fort MacCullam: des del pare, passant pel seu fidel ajudant i amic, fins a l'oficial de comandament.



Cobb 1994



Millor que mai

Millor que mai 2019


La Martha és una senyora gran malalta de càncer i sense fills que decideix deixar el pis on ha viscut tota la vida per traslladar-se a una comunitat per a la gent gran a passar els seus últims dies. Allà es fa amiga de la Sheryl, una senyora molt alegre que, sense voler, l'anima a fer realitat el seu somni: convertir-se en animadora. Per aconseguir-ho, la Martha organitza un club d'animadores, però toparà amb l'oposició frontal de la directora de la comunitat. Però amb l'ajuda del nét de la Sheryl i l'animadora d'un institut, tirarà endavant el seu projecte.


Will Trent

Will Trent 2023


Special Agent Will Trent was abandoned at birth and endured a harsh coming-of-age in Atlanta's overwhelmed foster care system. Determined to make sure no one feels as he did, he now has the highest clearance rate.


Family Reunion

Family Reunion 2019


Family Reunion follows a family of six who travel from Seattle, Washington to Columbus, Georgia for the McKellan Family Reunion and decide to stay to be closer to their family.


The Outsider

The Outsider 2020


When an insidious supernatural force edges its way into a seemingly straightforward investigation into the gruesome murder of a young boy, it leads a seasoned cop and an unorthodox investigator to question everything they believe in.



Rectify 2013


After 19 years on Death Row for the rape and murder of his teenage girlfriend, Daniel Holden is going home. His conviction has been vacated due to new DNA evidence. Now he has to return to a world he no longer knows and his reentry into the outside world may be as unforgiving as prison. Daniel is haunted by the past, dogged by the present, and uncertain of the future. As he struggles to adapt to his new life, his homecoming reignites the fears of a small town and threatens to shatter his family’s fragile peace. Daniel’s alleged crime divided a community. Will his freedom tear it in half?



Helix 2014


Helix is an intense thriller about a team of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control who travel to a high-tech research facility in the Arctic to investigate a possible disease outbreak, only to find themselves pulled into a terrifying life-and-death struggle that holds the key to mankind's salvation...or total annihilation.



Underground 2016


A group of slaves plan a daring 600-mile escape from a Georgia plantation. Along the way, they are aided by a secret abolitionist couple running a station on the Underground Railroad as they attempt to evade the people charged with bringing them back, dead or alive.


Saints & Sinners

Saints & Sinners 2016


A large Southern church is the background for greed, corruption and murder.


Love Off the Grid

Love Off the Grid 2022


Discover how four city-dwellers give up their homes to pursue love in the wilderness.


Demons & Saviors

Demons & Saviors 2023


This true-crime series details the fascination with Christina Boyer. Boyer became a household name for her telekinesis as a teenager and the alleged murder of her own infant daughter in Boyer’s early 20s, a crime she maintains she did not commit. The series details the unlikely band of amateur sleuths obsessed with setting her free.


First and Last

First and Last 2018


Take an intimate look at the emotionally charged first and last days of new and soon-to-be released inmates at Georgia's Gwinnett County Jail.


Georgian Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll: Unbuttoning Bridgerton

Georgian Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll: Unbuttoning Bridgerton 2024


The fabulous wealthy elite of Bridgerton look perfectly preened, their teeth, hair, make up, even their sex scenes are all filled with opulent glamour! But in reality a lot of people in Georgian society, including the wealthy, were dealing with a myriad of issues, from syphilis, teeth decay, secret sex societies and scandals to opium and gin addictions. All of this would have been rife and incredibly visible on the big city streets during the booming industrial revolution. This two-part series is a deep dive into the 'real' 18th century. Sex historian Dr Kate Lister removes Bridgerton’s rose-tinted glasses, unlaces the corsets and unbuttons the breaches of the Georgians. Join Kate as she investigates how sex, drugs and the world of celebrity were a big thing long before the 20th century.


Positively Paula

Positively Paula 2016


Remember the Paula Deen you know and love? She's back and you're invited into her home for a one-on-one experience while she cooks her favorite recipes, shares memories with family and friends, and her heart.