L’enginyós senyor Ripley

L’enginyós senyor Ripley 1999


Ser jove i despreocupat enmig d'un paisatge idíl·lic de la Itàlia banyada pel sol de finals dels 50: aquesta és la dolça vita que Tom Ripley (Matt Damon) anhela i que Dickie Greeleaf (Jude Law) gaudeix. Quan el pare de Dickie, un adinerat constructor de vaixells, demana a Tom que porti de tornada a casa, a Amèrica, al seu fill, aquest i la seva bella i expatriada companya, Marge Sherwood (Gwyneth Paltrow), mai no haurien sospitat a què perillosos extrems arribaria Ripley per tal de convertir l'estil de vida de la parella en el seu propi. Al capdavall, és millor ser una falsa persona important que un do ningú autèntic.



Roxanne 1987


En C.D. Bales, el cap de bombers d'un poble petit, és un poeta frustrat que no ha tingut sort ni amb la literatura, ni amb les dones. En el cas de les dones, el problema és el seu nas gran. Malgrat això, intenta, sense complexos, conquerir la Roxanne, una estudiant d'astronomia que prepara la tesi. Però ella se sent atreta per en Chris McDonell, un bomber atractiu però maldestre amb les paraules.


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.


Lo que callamos las mujeres

Lo que callamos las mujeres 2013


Anthology series that deal with different stories of women, who must endure the abuses and injustices of life.


The Bequeathed

The Bequeathed 2024


After the death of an unknown uncle, a woman inherits a burial ground and finds herself in the center of a string of murders and dark secrets.


Moon in the Day

Moon in the Day 2023


A famous South Korean celebrity Han Joon Oh suffers a car accident and wakes up possessed by a vengeful ancient nobleman Do Ha, seeking revenge for his past life


Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home 2010


Kim Jinseo and Mo Yoonhee are high school classmates and rivals whose different family backgrounds shaped their characters and their paths towards love and success in adulthood. Jinseo develops a warm and cheerful personality as well as superior intellectual ability, while Yoonhee becomes a beautiful woman with fatal charm. Both women love Lee Sanghyun, an extremely kind but indecisive man who used to date Yoonhee but later married Jinseo. When Yoonhee's husband, Sung Eunpil, dies under suspicious circumstances, Jinseo finds herself becoming involved in the investigation. The process is complicated when the young homicide detective Kang Shinwoo becomes romantically interested in Jinseo.