Gremlins 1984
Un noi rep una nova i estranya mascota. Les instruccions són clares respecte el que pot menjar, i quan, però inadvertidament trenca les regles i es converteix en un monstre imparable.
Un noi rep una nova i estranya mascota. Les instruccions són clares respecte el que pot menjar, i quan, però inadvertidament trenca les regles i es converteix en un monstre imparable.
Capitalisme, una història d'amor. Un documental de Michael Moore on denuncia el sistema capitalista de Wall Street, adoptant un punt de vista que analitza la crisi finaciera mundial i l'economia nord-americana en plena transició entre l'administració entrant de Barack Obama i la sortint de George W. Bush
És possible que un ordinador predigui l'economia mundial? Martin Armstrong, un consultor de finances que amb 15 anys ja era milionari, va dissenyar durant els anys 80 un model de predicció d'alta precisió basat en el nombre pi. La seva reputació a nivell mundial va fer que els banquers més poderosos de Nova York el convidessin a formar part del seu grup per manipular les tendències dels mercats. Martin sempre va rebutjar l'oferta. A finals dels dels 90, l'FBI va entrar a casa seva per requisar-li els ordinadors i acusar-lo d'haver estafat 3.000 milions de dòlars utilitzant un esquema piramidal. Es tractava d'un intent d'amenaçar-lo? Volien evitar que fes públic el veritable esquema piramidal en el qual s'ha basat el deute mundial durant dècades?
Millor Documental del 2014 als Premis del Cinema Europeu, ens presenta a un dels veritables amos de l’univers, un banquer amb ganes d’explicar-nos en què consisteixen els bancs d’inversions. Els veritables amos de l'univers no són ni els polítics, ni els exèrcits, ni els governs. Els veritables amos de l'univers són els bancs d'inversions. Un poderós banquer alemany ens ofereix una inquietant visió de les seves emocions, motivacions i prediccions, mentre ens desvetlla un univers paral·lel d'ingressos desorbitats i pressió despietada. Descobrim un sistema que aïlla els banquers de la resta del món i els converteix en éssers incapaços de reflexionar sobre la seva pròpia feina.
In the cutthroat world of international finance, a group of young graduates compete for a limited set of permanent positions at a top investment bank in London. The boundaries between colleague, friend, lover, and enemy soon blur as they immerse themselves in a company culture defined as much by sex, drugs and ego as it is by deals and dividends.
It’s tell the story of a bank auditor pursues justice and policy changes at a time when an economic bubble is collapsing. No Dae Ho is an honest and sincere man. He works as a branch manager of Daehan Bank which is located in a small city. The branch is on a soon to be shutdown list. Surprisingly, No Dae Ho is promoted to an auditor at the bank’s headquarters in Seoul. No Dae Ho then faces corruption at the bank.
When Jeongin Bank faces bankruptcy, the Financial Services Commission aims to preempt Korea from another economic meltdown as it did in the 1997 financial crisis. With the Korean government having a substantial stake in the bank, things get serious. Chae Yi Hun is the chief of financial policy at the FSC. He hides the fact that renowned economist Chae Byung Hak is his father. Heo Jae is the chairman of the FSC and has ambitious intentions of fortifying the country's financial infrastructure. Lee Hye Joon is a girl who came from nothing. She works at the Ministry of Economy and Finance and wants to see the utopian economy with change. The money game begins now.
Si Qing, who works in a loan bank, leads a “vulgar” life in pursuit of a car, a house, and money. In order to recover a bad loan, she meets Jing Chen, a traditional craftsman, for the first time. The two of them, who do not like each other, are entwined in a “fighting each other” way. On the day of the winter solstice, Si Qing, forgotten by her parents and isolated by her colleagues, is in a state of inner turmoil and on the verge of an adult breakdown. Jing Chen’s bowl of eggs in sweet wine, a customary winter solstice treat, is mistaken by Siqing as the only warmth for her birthday so she impulsively proposes marriage. Jing Chen agrees to her request. However, marriage is only the beginning…
The Peter Principle is a BBC television show about the Aldbridge Branch of the fictional County & Provincial Bank. It originally aired in the late 1990s and is now a part of the PBS program lineup at some PBS stations, which call it The Boss. The program takes its name from the Peter Principle, that In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.
How, from the 1920s to the present day, financial power has gradually strengthened a hidden alliance with criminal organizations around the world.
The people, ideas, and events that created our current world economy.