La taza rota

La taza rota 2021


Rodrigo once had a girlfriend, a son and a house. But today a different man has taken his place. One day, at dawn, he appears at his old home with the intention of regaining, in a single day, everything he has lost; even if this might mean hurting the ones he loves. The stubbornness, the ego and the grief of a man.


Inche Machi

Inche Machi 2023


Through the story of an elderly Machi and two young Machi we will learn about their life stories —essential for the Mapuche communities—, their deep relationship with medicinal herbs, and how the state laws of Chile along with private companies continue to affect their work as Machi and their existences as people of the land. The Mapuche people-nation resists.



Eve 2020