The Moon and the Mirror

The Moon and the Mirror 2007


The film recreates the atmosphere in Uruguay during the dictatorship of 1973-1985. Ladislao looks for his past, the story that was taken from him in those 12 years of darkness. He encounters other characters, some can help him while others deny him the truth.


The Destiny

The Destiny 2010


A young cellist is submerged by the sick love of his father, an acclaimed cellist, who does not let her be herself. Her father dies after the last concert of his daughter Mariel. This represents a break in her life because her possesive father planned everything, and she does not know how to face the world on her own. On a trip to Colonia, she discovers a person who sells trinkets to the tourists, who helps her take control of her life.


Flowers on the Water

Flowers on the Water 2008


This is the story of two German poets, children of immigrants, who found a corner of the Río de la Plata to settle down. Hanna does not find the meaning of life in a world where values and communication have been lost. Klaus, her husband, has a hard time understanding her and struggles to save the marriage that is threatened. In a pub they meet a young poet, Heinz, reciting Rilke, Hölderlin and Baudelaire. Hanna sees in him the opportunity to get away from this troubled world and will want to climb on his wide wings. From that moment on, the marriage goes adrift, led by Hanna's dreams and Klaus's rationality. A story of love, madness and poetry.