Tamara de Lempicka—The Queen of Art Déco

Tamara de Lempicka—The Queen of Art Déco 2022


Hardly anyone knows the artist, but almost everyone knows her paintings: Tamara de Lempicka, icon of the 1920s. Her art deco paintings of women in cars or in evening dress adorn book covers and break auction records. But who was she? The ARTE documentary by Grimme Prize-winning author Sylvie Kürsten ventures a self-portrait of Lempicka, narrated and played by Nicole Heesters.


Russlanddeutsche, die AfD und ich

Russlanddeutsche, die AfD und ich 2024


Russian Germans are one of the largest migrant groups with voting rights in Germany, but people outside the community often don't know much about them. Except prejudices: Russian Germans would vote for the AfD and understand Putin's war of aggression. But what really moves the community, how do people see themselves and other Russian Germans, what does family mean, what does religion mean - and what is really the level of sympathy for the AfD that the community is said to have?