The Dog, the General, and the Birds

The Dog, the General, and the Birds 2003


A long time ago, a young Russian general chose to sacrifice hundreds of birds to burn Moscow and save his motherland from the troops of Napoleon. For this feat, he was hailed as a hero by the people of Russia but regarded an executioner by the winged creatures. Now fifty years older the aging general leads a drab life. To make matters worse, the descendants of the sacrificed birds keep attacking him. One day however a meets an engaging little dog who soon becomes his faithful companion. Both friends decide to break the curse plaguing the general's life : they start militating for all the caged birds of Russia to be set free.


Tampon: Our Closest Enemy

Tampon: Our Closest Enemy 2017


This is an international investigation into the dangers of tampons. Thanks to independent studies and tests, we know now that tampons contain dioxin and toxic components. However, a real taboo surrounds this product, while women use an average of 11k tampons in their lives.