Mimi šéf: Rodinný podnik

Mimi šéf: Rodinný podnik 2021


Mimi šéf Ted a jeho bratr Tim jsou sice už dospělí a jejich cesty se rozešly. Ale teď oba bratři vrací na plátna kin. Musí totiž znovu spojit své síly v boji proti dalšímu padouchovi. Tím je Dr. Erwin Armstrong, který má speciální školu, kde učí a vychovává děti trochu zvláštním způsobem. Aby z nich byly nejzlobivější frackové na světě. A jednou z jeho žaček je právě Timova starší dcera, zatímco její mladší sestra Tina jako nová agentka organizace BabyCorp se snaží jeho pikle zarazit. Ale bez táty a jeho bratra to nezvládne a musí je tedy trochu upravit do mladší podoby, aby na školu zapadli.


Dvanáct do tuctu

Dvanáct do tuctu 2003


Komedie o početné rodině sportovního trenéra Toma Bakera, který je navzdory americkým rodinným statistikám, podle nichž na jednu rodinu připadá 1,87 dítěte, otcem 12 synů a dcer. Jeho žena Kate je nejen chápavou manželkou a milující matkou, která řeší každodenní chod domácnosti i radosti a strasti ratolestí, ale dokáže se i sama prosadit jako spisovatelka. Trable rodiny Bakerových začne, když Kate dostane dopis, že prestižní nakladatelství vydá její knihu a zve ji na promotion akci do NY. Ve stejné době se hlavě rodiny Tomovi Bakerovi splní celoživotní sen - má trénovat univerzitní mužstvo a rodina se kvůli jeho zaměstnání musí přestěhovat, což se dětem velice nelíbí. Kate odjíždí na turné a Tom Baker je jediný, na kom je udržovat domácnost v chodu, řešit denní porci rodinných trablů a navíc se předvést v novém místě v tom nejlepším světle. Nezbývá, než se obrátit o pomoc k nejstarší dceři Noře, která už opustila rodinné hnízdo a odstěhovala se do Chicaga.


Godžira VS Mekagodžira

Godžira VS Mekagodžira 1993


Organizace spojených národů zřizuje v roce 1992 tzv. Centrum Obrany (UNGCC), které má za úkol zastavit Gojiru jednou provždy. Podaří se jim vytáhnout z moře pozůstatky Mecha-Kinga Ghidoraha a vytvoří z něj dva nové stroje. Tím prvním je létající bojový člun Garuda, druhým Mekagojira. O dva roky později tým japonských vědců přijíždí na ostrov Adona v Beringově moři, kde naleznou velké vejce. Předpokládají, že se jedná o vejce pteranodona a odvezou je do výzkumného centra v Kjótu. Vejce ovšem dokáže vyvolávat telepatický signál, který přitáhne pozornost jak Rodana, tak i Gojiry. Oba totiž touží po obsahu vejce. Při cestě začnou ničit vše, co jim přijde do cesty. UNGCC musí urychleně povolat do zbraně Mekagojiru i Garudu jinak z Kjóta zbydou jen samé trosky.


Vrata do podsvětí

Vrata do podsvětí 1987


Filmový horor Vrata do podsvětí zaujal ve své době diváky v amerických kinech vynikajícími speciálními triky natolik, že se po dlouho dobu držel na předních místech v žebříčku divácké atraktivity v USA. Jde o film určený mládeži i dospělým. Obyčejná Americká rodina v něm zažije neobyčejný víkend, děti totiž najdou na zahradě pootevřená vrata do podsvětí.


Welcome the Stranger

Welcome the Stranger 2018


Alice přichází neohlášená do domu svého odcizeného bratra s pokusem o smíření, ale bizarní vize, návrat jeho podivné přítelkyně a Alicina paranoia a podezření nutí sourozence, aby se uchýlili k realitě uprostřed tajemných okolností.



Pod 2015


Bratr se sestrou se po dlouhé době setkají. Důvodem pro setkání je zpráva od jejich známého. Přestože je v ní vysloveně napsáno, že nemají chodit k odesílateli, sourozenci se přesto rozhodnou navštívit jeho dům. Jejich známý však celý dům zabarikádoval a tvrdí, že skrývá tajný objekt ve sklepě. Oni si myslí, že je to jen výplod jeho fantazie, ale muž jim dokáže, že se mýlili. To, co se skrývá ve sklepě, jim ale způsobí obrovské problémy.


Young Sheldon

Young Sheldon 2017


The early life of child genius Sheldon Cooper, later seen in The Big Bang Theory.


The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House

The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House 2009


Song Jin Poong is the eldest of four sons and works hard to earn money to support his family. He is also a man who cannot forget his first love. His mother, Ok Hee, wants him to get married because he is already 38 years old. Ok Hee believes that her sons are great catches and any woman would be lucky enough to marry them, however, their neighbors feel differently as each son has an unique problem.


Mother of Mine

Mother of Mine 2019


Story of a mother and three daughters living in modern day Korean society. The drama conveys a message about the low fertility rate, divorce rate, and the problems of the younger generation who are avoiding marriage.


Ice Fantasy

Ice Fantasy 2016


The story is set a hundred years after a war between the Empire of Snow (Ice Tribe) and the Fire Tribe, where the Fire Tribe was defeated. However, the war was fatal, leaving Prince Ka Suo and his younger half-brother Ying Kong Shi the only royal heirs and pure-blood ice illusionists left in the Ice Tribe. Conflict ensues after Ka Suo reluctantly ascends to the throne as his lover, Li Luo, and his brother go missing. Ka Suo also accidentally discovers an evil presence lurking in the Ice Tribe's holy shrine. He and his companions enter the mysterious shrine, and defeat head of the shrine, Lady Yuan Ji, only to find out that she has been plotting a conspiracy against him. Ka Suo also experiences hardships in trying to find his lover and brother, not knowing that his brother has lost all of his memories and has become the Fire Prince under his mother's command. A war between the two tribes commences once again, with the two brothers pitted against each other.


The Twin Flower Legend

The Twin Flower Legend 2020


Hua Mujin grew up during the chaotic era of the five dynasties and the ten states. As a child, she and her younger twin sister Hua Jinxiu were sold as slaves to the powerful Yuan Family. They are sent on the road with three other children - Yu Feiyan, Song Minglei, Yao Biying and the five take a vow of friendship to always care for each other.


Greenhouse Academy

Greenhouse Academy 2017


When teen siblings Hayley and Alex enter an elite boarding school, they find rivalry, romance and a mystery related to the recent loss of their mom.


What Happens to My Family?

What Happens to My Family? 2014


Every family has its issues but what happens when the patriarch in the family is not happy with the behaviors of his children? Cha Bong Soon does not intend to just sit back and take bad treatment from his three adult children – Cha Kang Shim, Cha Kang Jae and Cha Dal Bong – and decides to take legal action against them. With such chaos going on in her family, Kang Shim has a tough time focusing on her job as secretary to the president of Daeoh Company and constantly at odds with the president's son, Moon Tae Joo, the company director. Will Tae Joo get sucked into the Cha family drama as well?


The Sound of Your Heart

The Sound of Your Heart 2016


Comedy following Cho Seok's ridiculous but hilarious adventures with his girlfriend-turned-wife Ae Bong, their dogs, older brother Jo Joon, and parents. Based on the popular webtoon series of the same name.


Father, I'll Take Care of You

Father, I'll Take Care of You 2016


After their 4 children become independent, an old couple decide to live for themselves. One day, their 4 children come back to them.


The X-Family

The X-Family 2007


The X-Family is a Taiwanese drama starring Pauline Lan, Jiro Wang, Danson Tang, Sunnie Huang, Calvin Chen, and Aaron Yan. It is a sequel to 2005 series KO One and was produced by Comic International Productions. The series started filming in June 2006 and wrapped in April 2007. It was broadcast on cable TV Gala Television Variety Show/CH 28 on 8 August 2007 to 23 October 2007. The prequel KO One was broadcast on 26 November 2005 to 27 May 2006 and a threequel, K.O.3an Guo was broadcast on 28 February 2009 to 27 February 2010, on cable TV Gala Television Variety Show/CH 28.


49 Days

49 Days 2011


After an accident shatters her storybook life, a comatose woman gets a second chance at life when a reaper from above intervenes, at a cost.


Royal Secret Agent

Royal Secret Agent 2020


During the Joseon Dynasty, the Secret Royal Inspectors are the eyes and ears of the king. They travel the provinces undercover and listen to the plight of the common people, investigating abuses and corruption of government officials.


The Third Charm

The Third Charm 2018


The twelve-year love story of two individuals with completely opposite personalities who unexpectedly met on a group blind date.


Ties of Shooting Stars

Ties of Shooting Stars 2008


Based on a novel by mystery writer Keigo Higashino, Ryūsei no Kizuna tells the story of three orphans, whose parents were murdered long ago. Together, the three vowed on a shooting star to one day avenge their parents. After many years, the two brothers have found the murderers, and are set to carry out their plan for vengeance when they realize they've made a serious miscalculation; you see, their sister...


The Village: Achiara's Secret

The Village: Achiara's Secret 2015


Achiara is a quiet, peaceful village with hardly any crime. But on her first day of school there, English language instructor Kim So-yoon discovers a buried corpse. As the townspeople speculate on the identity of the dead person and the reason she was killed, So-yoon and policeman Park Woo-jae become determined to solve the mystery.


Take My Brother Away

Take My Brother Away 2018


Bickering siblings Shi Miao and Shi Fen tackle friendship matters, school drama and the pitfalls of growing up with little parental supervision.


Almost Family

Almost Family 2019


An only child finds her life turned upside down when her father reveals that, over the course of his prize-winning career as a pioneering fertility doctor, he used his own sperm to conceive upwards of a hundred children, including two new sisters.



Hometown 2021


A mystery evil thriller which finds the truth of a recording tape containing mysterious serial killings and unidentified sounds in a small city.



Coma 2006


A horror-mystery set in a hospital that is being shut down due to its dubious practices.