Maléry pana Šikuly

Maléry pana Šikuly 1999


Americká komedie o zoufalém programátorovi a o tom, co všechno způsobí jedna nezdařená relaxační hypnóza. Peter Gibbons pracuje jako programátor ve společnosti INITECH Corporation, ale v poslední době má stále naléhavější problémy. Nebaví ho utrácet zbůhdarma čas v zaměstnání, které mu neskýtá sebemenší uspokojení. Netěší ho ani vyhaslý vztah s přítelkyní Anne, s níž se chce rozejít, protože se zakoukal do servírky Joanne. A tak je pouze otázkou času, kdy se Peter vzbouří a začne žít podle vlastních představ. Jeho kamarádi Mike a Samir se obávají, že ho to bude stát místo, jenže personální konzultant (mimochodem stejně tupý jako všichni Peterovi nadřízení) v tom vidí projev originality a mladíka s nekonvenčními názory naopak povýší. Jeho první úkol ovšem zní: vyhodit Mika a Samira z práce. A tak se zrodí velký počítačový plán....


Plavčík na sladké vodě

Plavčík na sladké vodě 1928


Právě ukončivší studium na vysoké škole přijíždí vymyšlený syn nesmlouvavého kapitána parníku navštívit svého otce, kterého neviděl od dětství.


Ojetá auta

Ojetá auta 1980


Honba za diamantem se jmenoval dobrodružný příběh, který jsme viděli v našich kinech od režiséra Roberta Zemeckise. Tento úspěšný tvůrce kasovních trháků (jak by ne, učil se u Spielberga) - jako např. Zpátky do budoucnosti nebo Falešná hra s králíkem Rogerem - vypráví ve svém druhém snímku příběh o činnosti dvou obchodníků se starými auty, kteří se chtějí navzájem zničit. Sídlí totiž hndd naproti sobě na jedné ulici…



Skincare 2024


Proslulá kosmetička Hope čelí sabotáži, když si její dlouholetá rivalka Angel otevře butik naproti přes ulici. S pomocí své přítelkyně Jordan se Hope snaží odhalit, kdo se snaží zničit její pověst.



Veve 2014



Blazing the Western Trail

Blazing the Western Trail 1945


Majitel dostavníkové dráhy Brent nechá své muže vykrádat Hallidayovy dostavníky, a když se o tom dozví jeho manažer Waring, Brent ho nechá zabít. Přijíždí Jeff Waring a přebírá strýcovu práci. Brzy se dozví, co se děje, a Durango Kid se pouští do akce. To udržuje Hallidaye v chodu a dává jim šanci získat poštovní zakázku vítězstvím v závodě dostavníků.


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.


Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nothing Gold Can Stay 2017


Zhou Ying is sold to the powerful Shen family by her foster father, yet successfully escapes by sneaking into merchant Wu Ping’s palanquin. The Wu family agreed to take her in after witnessing her remarkable business acumen, and she ends up marrying Wu Ping. The drama will chronicle the life of the Qing Dynasty's richest female merchant, and her struggles to keep the Wu family business afloat during the last years of the Qing Dynasty. Shen Xingyi is a happy-go-lucky young sir who has never known hardship in his life. After meeting Zhou Ying, he eventually decides to change his ways and becomes a mature noble who is willing to protect his country and family from disaster. He has a seemingly unrequited love for Zhou Ying.


Cheongdamdong Scandal

Cheongdamdong Scandal 2014


Drama series depicts an epic scandal of the upper class that place in Cheongdam District, Seoul. An area which epitomizes the wealthy lifestyle.


Blowing in the Wind

Blowing in the Wind 1980


Brothers Bo and Wei are forced to join the triad in Hong Kong after arriving from China. They become successful drug dealers but sacrifice their family happiness for money and power. Once the ICAC is established, they become its targets and struggle to escape its grip.


Our Glamorous Time

Our Glamorous Time 2018


Li Zhi Cheng is a former soldier who has been ordered to take over his family's business when business was going downhill. He has a fateful meeting with Lin Qian, an independent and capable white-collar who was freshly graduated and meeting difficulties in starting up her own business. Due to Li Zhi Cheng's complete lack of experience in business, nobody in the industry had hopes in this newly appointed CEO of AiDa. But with the help of Lin Qian's working experience and drive, coupled with Li Zhi Cheng's wits and methods, they bring Ai Da's business to new heights together.


The Chicken Sisters

The Chicken Sisters 2024


Set in the fictional town of Merinac, a generations-old rift between dueling fried chicken restaurants — Mimi’s and Frannie’s — has left the founders’ families fractured and the locals taking sides. When popular cooking competition show Kitchen Clash comes to town, this could be the recipe for ending this feud once and for all. But things are fixing to heat up both inside and outside of the kitchen as the reality show spotlight causes sparks to fly as secrets are spilled and feathers get ruffled.



Heels 2021


In a close-knit Georgia community, a family-owned wrestling promotion finds two brothers and rivals war over their late father’s legacy. In the ring, somebody must play the good guy and somebody must play their nemesis, the heel. But in the real world, those characters can be hard to live up to (and just as hard to leave behind).


Weather Report Girl

Weather Report Girl 1994


A two-part anime series about a weather anchor who becomes famous after flashing her underwear live on TV.


Peua Mae Pae Bor Daai

Peua Mae Pae Bor Daai 2023


Koi is a young woman who has grown up in a rubber tree plantation her entire life, and now has dreams of improving it. Unfortunately, the powerful millionaire who is the plantation's creditor has plans to seize it for himself, but Koi refuses to allow that to happen. Trin is a young businessman who owns a rubber mattress factory and makes an offer to buy her family's plantation. Because Koi has no intention of letting anyone take her plantation, the two enter into a rivalry.


Weather Report Girl

Weather Report Girl 1997


This live-action Japanese TV series is based on Tetsu Adachi's manga. The series is split into two parts, each one consisting of six episodes. The first part is based on the manga's original storyline and, of course, focuses on Keiko Nakadai and her infamous rise to fame. The second part, on the other hand, has a completely original storyline made exclusively for this TV series that focuses on the adventures of another woman, Ryoko Makino, after she is chosen as a new weather anchor on TV.