The Balcony

The Balcony 2008


Soviet eighties. A little town in the periphery. After his parents' divorce, 11-year-old Rolanas and his dad move in next door to same-aged Emilija. Friendship is born between the kids, however, shyness or fear of opening up makes them communicate through the wall, sitting in their own balconies, or through a socket connecting their flats. Emilija's parents also appear to be on the verge of divorce. The children discover common topics, activities. Unfortunately, a nearly tragic accident prevents Emilija to go to the balcony. This encourages both children to set out for a "real" date.


The Field of Magic

The Field of Magic 2011


The "Field of Magic" is a docu-poem about people living for over two decades in the Buda forest, near the closed down Kariotiskes dump in Lithuania. After four years of work, this film captures the perspective of the dump dwellers. It tells the story about the dissolving community, its uniqueness, daily routine, specific way of life, every-day joys and sorrows.


The Master Plan

The Master Plan 2016


This investigative documentary explores the methods through which Russia influences the domestic policy of the Baltic States – by dividing the local community, promoting nostalgia for the Soviet Union and dismissing the recovered independence of the Baltic States.


Dzukija’s Bull

Dzukija’s Bull 2013


It is an another world. A world far away from city noise and so called “modern culture”. A world that was created by God, not by human beings. Jonas, called by the villagers the “Bull”, because of his unbelievable strength, lives in such a world. He walks through his life unrushed and certain, reminding a today‘s man of his fragility. He reveals a world where life and death, joy and sadness, power and weakness coexist together inseparably, a world which fills up with apocalyptic visions and the “end of the world” feeling.



Dinner 2013


Dinner is a short documentary about people from the most vulnerable social layer. Every day they gather at the door of a charity canteen, waiting for a plate of hot food. Half-hour waiting makes for a dozen life stories revealing the fragile line between human hope and despair.