Karate Kid 2

Karate Kid 2 1986


Danielek Miyagi jaunarekin haren sorterrira bidaiatuko du, Okinawara. Baina Daniel gaztearentzat mundu berri eta exotiko baterako bidaia da, honetan ordurarte ezagutzen ez zituen bere maisuaren iraganeko gauzen berri izango du. Aldiz, Miyagirentzat hiltzorian dagoen bere aita azkeneko aldiz ikusi eta nerabetzaroko neskaladuna zuen Yukirenganako maitasuna berreskuratzeko aukera izango da. Gainera, Miyagiren itzulerak bere iraganeko arerioa zen Satorekin etsaitasuna berpiztea suposatuko du, etsaitasun honek Daniel bera ere kulturen arteko talka eta borroketara bultzaraziko du. Orain, karate txapelketatetaik, ikuslegoaren energiatik nahiz sortetxeko segurtasunetik urruti dagoela, Danielek bere erronka handienari aurre egin beharko dio, maisua ikasle bilakatu eta ohorearen salneurria bizitza bera bihurtu baita.


To Sir, with Love

To Sir, with Love 2022


The Five Dragon Guild is under the leadership of Jao Sua Song. He's skilled and in control in business, but things in the family have become chaotic. By his main wife, Li, he has his eldest son, Thian. He has a secondary wife, Chan with whom he has a son named Yang and he has a mistress named Bua. In a Chinese family, masculinity is prized. Tian is the face of the family, the one who will eventually succeed Song, who will carry the power his father has built. Khun Chai is not a position just anyone is suited to. The love between two men is obstructed by Chinese society.


Korea No.1

Korea No.1 2022


Yu Jae-seok, Lee Kwang-soo and Kim Yeon-koung travel all over Korea to learn from the best traditional masters in a bid to become the No. 1 Apprentice.


A Culture Built with Wood

A Culture Built with Wood 2022


Forests cover close to 70 percent of Japan's land area. Japan's climate varies significantly from north to south, making it home to diverse forests. These forests have been an intrinsic part of Japanese culture since time immemorial.