Stars in My Crown

Stars in My Crown 1950


En 1865, la petite ville du sud de Walsburg est devenu si dangereux que Parson Josiah Doziah gris donne ses sermons tout en tenant une arme à feu.


Histoire de la chirurgie

Histoire de la chirurgie 2024


Des balbutiements de la pratique chirurgicale jusqu’à sa forme moderne, ce riche panorama retrace les jalons et les grands noms d’un art perfectionné au fil des découvertes scientifiques.


L'art de guérir

L'art de guérir 1997


Les médicaments de cette médecine holistique sont composés de plantes, racines, minéraux, etc. Certaines maladies chroniques devant lesquelles la médecine occidentale avoue son impuissance sont guéries par les médecins tibétains.


L'Amazonie, merveilleuse apothicaire

L'Amazonie, merveilleuse apothicaire 2024


Dans la forêt amazonienne brésilienne, rencontre avec une défenseuse de la culture indigène, Leticia Yawanawa, qui se bat pour la transmission des connaissances médicinales ancestrales.


Les mystères d’un papyrus égyptien

Les mystères d’un papyrus égyptien 2023


Vieux d’environ 3 500 ans, le papyrus Ebers est considéré comme le plus ancien traité médical au monde. Quand, en 1873, l’égyptologue allemand Georg Ebers s’aventure sur le Nil pour le retrouver à Louxor – l’ancienne Thèbes, capitale des pharaons –, l’existence du précieux document ne relève encore que de la rumeur. Mandaté pour rédiger, au fil de son périple, le tout premier guide touristique de l’Égypte, le savant de Leipzig écume les bazars, théâtres déjà de tous les trafics d’antiquités, consignant dans son journal les étapes de sa quête. Finalement livré au public en 1875 et conservé depuis à la bibliothèque universitaire de Leipzig, ce rouleau long de plus de 18 mètres contient quelque 877 remèdes antiques pour traiter la chute de cheveux, la toux, les affections oculaires et cardiaques ou encore les problèmes de digestion.


Gen Z

Gen Z 2023


Ren Xinzheng, a professor at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is dedicated to spreading Chinese medicine. He resigned to set up a traditional Chinese medicine inheritance class, hoping to train successors who can truly pass on the way of Chinese medicine. Unscrupulous Sun Toutou also accidentally joined the mentoring class, and he was at odds with Ren Xinzheng's son Ren Tianzhen, Yang Xiaohong, who had changed his career as a lawyer, Peng Shiyan, a pediatrician at a tertiary hospital, and Zhao Liquan, who wanted to become a famous doctor with the expectation of the whole village, and other students were also incompatible.


Poong The Joseon Psychiatrist

Poong The Joseon Psychiatrist 2022


The successful doctor Yoo Sepoong becomes entangled in a conspiracy and is kicked out of the palace. He meets Jihan in Gyesu village and learns to treat those who suffer psychological illness. Finding the cause of their heartbroken feelings and writing a prescription for happiness with Eunwoo, Sepoong grows up as a true psychiatrist.


All That is Bitter is Sweet

All That is Bitter is Sweet 2014


The Dou family of Foshan is an affluent family that owns and runs Sheung Chun Tong, the largest traditional Chinese apothecary in town. When an epidemic occurs in Foshan and the shop's medicine is found to be the cause, the shop owner is accused of murder and is imprisoned. In order to help release her father, the family's only daughter, Dou Gaai-kei, sets out to investigate.


Perfect Mismatch

Perfect Mismatch 2023


Shi Huahua, a wild girl from the countryside, is skilled in martial arts. On her way to the mountains alone for training, she promised her master to do "98 good deeds." When she first enters the big city, she becomes the spokesperson of a company by mistake and saves the two-faced boss, Zhou Zhifei. The boss is caught in a family feud and his inner trauma has relapsed. A seemingly coincidental yet is actually a story full of fate thus unfolded. The two people's contrasting upbringing, attitudes and lifestyles are brought together and the two of them gain healing from each other. Surrounded by family, friendship and love, both of them eventually realize the end goal of their life and achieve a beautiful love that best suits each other.


Healing and the Mind with Bill Moyers

Healing and the Mind with Bill Moyers 1993


Ancient medical science told us our minds and bodies are one; so did philosophers of old. Now, modern science and new research are helping us to understand these connections. In Healing and the Mind, Bill Moyers talks with physicians, scientists, therapists and patients—people who are taking a new look at the meaning of sickness and health. In a five-part series of provocative interviews, he discusses their search for answers to perplexing questions: How do emotions translate into chemicals in our bodies? How do thoughts and feelings influence health? How can we collaborate with our bodies to encourage healing?