
Suzanna 1923


Hoping to consolidate their adjoining ranches, Don Fernando and Don Diego betroth their children, Ramón and Dolores, although Ramón is in love with Suzanna, the daughter of a peon on his father's ranch, and Dolores is interested in Pancho, a toreador. When Suzanna learns that she was kidnapped in infancy and is really Don Diego's daughter, she keeps silent; but Ramón finally rebels and steals Suzanna from the altar as she is about to marry Pancho. There are explanations, Ramón marries Suzanna, and Dolores marries Pancho. Suzanna (1923) has been mastered from a good quality but incomplete 35mm print.


Molly O'

Molly O' 1921


An Irish washerwoman's daughter falls in love with one of America's most eligible bachelors, much to the dismay of the girl's parents -- and the young doctor's newly acquired fiancée! Events come to a head at the charity masked ball, which the two girls happen to attend in very similar costumes, thanks to the largesse of Molly's benevolent "fairy godfather"...