The Man Who Took a Chance

The Man Who Took a Chance 1917


Monty Gray returns to the US after spending 10 years building railroads in China. As he enters a hotel he runs into an old friend from college whom he hasn't seen in years, and they begin catching up on old times. Monty notices a picture of a young woman that his friend is carrying and, bowled over by her beauty, he instantly falls for her.


The Three Godfathers

The Three Godfathers 1916


Three outlaws fleeing a posse through the desert come upon a dying woman and her baby in a wagon. Before she passes away, she makes the men promise to take care of her baby and get it safely through the desert.


Brace Up

Brace Up 1918


Hero Henry Court (Herbert Rawlinson) is very much his parents' child, having inherited the predominant character traits of both his go-getting father and his shy, retiring mother. The "father" side of his nature manifests itself on the college football field, where Henry excels. Unfortunately, the "mother" side is evidenced by a streak of cowardice, which surfaces at all the wrong times. Hoping to expunge the cowardly part of his make-up, Henry hires a bunch of self-styled mentalists to "concentrate" his problems away. Pretty soon, Henry is a virtual slave to the whims of the mentalists, who push his emotional buttons with reckless abandon.


The Devil's Pay Day

The Devil's Pay Day 1917


When Gregory Van Houten went to the country to recuperate, he intended to remain only a few weeks and then return to plunge into the swirl of city gaieties. But when Van Houten returned he brought with him a country-girl wife and set upon himself the seal of new duties and obligations.



Shoes 1916


A young working girl, struggling to support her family on her meager salary, desperately wishes for a new pair of shoes.


The Bride's Awakening

The Bride's Awakening 1918


A husband orders his wife to keep their marriage a secret, in order to better continue his affair with a married woman.


The Empty Cab

The Empty Cab 1918


A cub reporter investigates a gang of counterfeiters.


The Love Girl

The Love Girl 1916


A girl is hypnotized and kidnapped by the swami her aunt is devoted to.


Fires of Rebellion

Fires of Rebellion 1917


Madge Garvey (Dorothy Phillips) works in a shoe factory. Her father Joe (Richard de la Reno) is a drunk who beats his wife (Alice May Youss), and her sister Helen (Belle Bennett) has repeated the pattern by marrying Dan Mallory (Edward Brady). The new foreman, John Blake (William Stowell), fires Mallory. Mallory attacks him, but because of his alcohol abuse, his heart gives out and he dies. Blake asks Joe for Madge's hand, and he accepts for her. Madge longs for something better, when Cora, a former stenographer from the company (Golda Madden), writes her from the big city.


The Raggedy Queen

The Raggedy Queen 1917


Violent labor disputes surround a girl living in a mining town.


A Society Sensation

A Society Sensation 1918


A wealthy society playboy falls in love with the daughter of a poor fisherman. After Valentino shot to fame, A Society Sensation was cut down to a meek 24 minutes so the lead would be in every scene. Title cards tried to make up for the lost scenes.


The City of Tears

The City of Tears 1918


Chorus girl Rosa Carillo (Carmel Myers) finds herself in dire straits when the troupe she works with is disbanded and her last fifty dollars is stolen. Artist Billy Leeds (Earl Rodney) offers to take care of her, but she's leery of his proposition. Instead she finds work with an Italian grocer, Tony Bonchi (Edwin August). One of the other ex-members of the troupe has Tony arrested on a trumped up charge. Rosa returns to Billy and offers herself to him if only he'll get Tony out of jail.


The Unattainable

The Unattainable 1916


An actress falls in love with a shepherd, to the dismay of a wealthy suitor. One reel survives at the National Archives Of Canada and the Library of Congress.


Anything Once

Anything Once 1917


A Playboy inherits a Western ranch on the condition that he shall run it properly for 6 months. A villain makes an attempt to distract him from reaching the goal, but he, no longer the wastrel of yore, persists and becomes full owner of the property.


Danger Within

Danger Within 1918


A ruthless, miserly millionaire wakes up one day and finds that a quarantine sign reading "Danger Within!" has been tacked onto the front door of his mansion, and guards have been stationed outside to make sure that no one enters or leaves the building. The only other person in the house is Dolly, his chief clerk's six-year-old daughter, who went into the house out of curiosity just before it was quarantined.


The Boy Girl

The Boy Girl 1917


A tomboy, raised by a father who wanted a son, runs away from boarding school and gets a job at a firm.


Her Soul's Inspiration

Her Soul's Inspiration 1917


A girl who loves dancing more than anything must prove her identity in order to keep her inheritance.


The Flashlight

The Flashlight 1917


Jack Lane (William Stowell) has made an invention for photographing wild animals. It consists of a camera with a trigger -- when the trigger is stepped on by a passing animal, a flash goes off and the camera shoots the picture. Lane goes up to the mountains to try out his new contraption. When a recluse refuses to let him spend the night in his cabin, Lane goes to sleep out of doors, with the camera set up near by. In the middle of the night, he is awakened by the flash and the sound of gunshots. Trekking back to his own cabin the next day, he develops the picture, which is of a girl holding a rifle. He returns to the recluse's cabin where he is arrested for murder.