Bez zakona

Bez zakona 2012


Ekranizacija biografskog romana „The Wettest County in the World“ o braći Bondurant koji su za vrijeme prohibicije u SAD-u zarađivali proizvodeći alkohol u šumama Virginije, a s vremenom je oko njih stvorena legenda da su neuništivi.


Black Snake Moan

Black Snake Moan 2006


U Mississippiju, bivšeg blues glazbenika Lazarusa (Samuel L. Jackson) život ne mazi. Žena ga je napustila, a uz cestu blizu svoje farme pronalazi drogiranu i pretučenu prostitutku i nimfomanku Rae (Christina Ricci). Odvodi je kući, liječi je i pazi. Rae je čitavog života bila zlostavljana, a sve je počelo još od njezine rane mladosti. Lazarus je pažljiv prema djevojci, prema njoj se odnosi poput brižnog oca te joj ujedno svira kako bi joj se zdravlje što prije vratilo. No Raein dečko (Justin Timberlake), koji je nedavno otpušten iz vojske, krivo protumači odnos Lazaursa i Rae pa se zaklinje da će ga ubiti.



Moonshiners 2011


Think the days of bootleggers, backwoods stills and "white lightning" are over? Not a chance! It's a multi-million dollar industry. But perhaps more importantly to the moonshiners, it's a tradition dating back hundreds of years, passed down to them from their forefathers. It's part of their history and culture. While this practice is surprisingly alive and well, it's not always legal. Moonshiners tells the story of those who brew their shine - often in the woods near their homes using camouflaged equipment - and the local authorities who try to keep them honest. Viewers will witness practices rarely, if ever, seen on television including the sacred rite of passage for a moonshiner - firing up the still for the first time. They will also meet legends, including notorious moonshiner Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton.


Eight Deadly Shots

Eight Deadly Shots 1972


Small-farmer Pasi shoots four policemen who have come to arrest him for raged drunkenness. The movie is a flashback examining the events that finally lead to the tragic shooting. As time goes by, Pasi sinks deeper into poverty, gets into trouble with police and tax officials, all while family arguments grow more and more serious. Based on a real story.