Alvarez Kelly

Alvarez Kelly 1966


Stočar Alvarez Kelly (W. Holden) dobiva zadatak da dovede krdo goveda južnjačkoj vojsci, koja se utaborila u Virginiji. Iako se u početku tjeranje stoke odvija po planu i ništa ne sluti da bi se moglo izokrenuti, već blizu Južnjacima, Kellyja otima neprijateljska trupa predvođena pukovnikom Tomom Rossiterom (R. Widmark). Naime, baš kao i Južnjaci, i suprotna strana nužno treba zalihe hrane za svoje ljude opkoljene u Richmondu. Zatočenog Kellyja Rossiter prisili ga da prepusti životinje njegovim ljudima. Kako mu ne preostaje drugo, Kelly nevoljko počne "surađivati" s neprijateljem...



Elkhorn 2024


Theodore Roosevelt is bound for greatness—he's a Harvard graduate from a prominent family, a rising politician, and his wife, Alice, is pregnant. Then his promising future turns tragic. His mother succumbs to typhoid, and Alice dies in childbirth on the same day. Devastated, Teddy leaves his urban world of high rises and high society for the desolate Dakota Territory, where, by facing the harsh reality of surviving life on America’s frontier, he intends to remake himself into something greater.