Obiteljski kaos

Obiteljski kaos 2014


Poslije katastrofalnog prvog spoja samohrani roditelji Lauren (Barrymore) i Jim (Sandler) složit će se samo oko jedne stvari: nikad se više ne žele vidjeti. No, kad se oboje slučajno prijave za zabavni obiteljski odmor s djecom, naći će se prisiljeni na tjedan dana dijeliti apartman u luksuznom afričkom safari odmaralištu...


xXx: Povratak Xandera Cagea

xXx: Povratak Xandera Cagea 2017


Kada grupa ubojitih plaćenika ukrade visokotehnološko oružje koje predstavlja globalnu prijetnju, svijet treba superšpijuna Xandera Cagea. Vraćen u akciju, Xander u spasilačku misiju predvodi ekipu ovisnika o adrenalinu koji prkose smrti.


Pakleni val

Pakleni val 2015


Mladi agent FBI-a ubacuje se u nevjerojatan tim ekstremnih sportaša za koje sumnja da stoje iza niza neviđenih, sofisticiranih korporativnih pljački. Na tajnom zadatku zbog kojeg mu je život u opasnosti pokušava dokazati da su ti sportaši osmislili zapanjujuća krivična djela kojima uništavaju financijska tržišta svijeta.


Alita: Anđeo borbe

Alita: Anđeo borbe 2019


Radnja filma je smještena nekoliko stoljeća u budućnost, u gradu Iron City, u kojem napuštenu Alitu u besvjesnom stanju pronalazi suosjećajni cyber-liječnik Ido koji je dovodi u svoju kliniku. Kada se Alita probudi, ne sjeća se tko je, niti prepoznaje svijet u kojem se nalazi. Aliti je sve novo, svako iskustvo joj je prvo. Dok uči navigirati svojim novim životom i ulicama Iron Cityja, Iro je pokušava zaštititi od njezine misteriozne prošlosti, dok joj njezin novi prijatelj s ulice, Hugo, pokušava pomoći da se sjeti svoje prošlosti. Između njih dvoje se počne razvijati sve veća zaljubljenost, sve dok smrtonosne snage ne dođu po Alitu i krenu narušavati njezine novostečene odnose. Tada Alita otkriva da ima izvanredne borilačke sposobnosti koje može iskoristiti kako bi spasila svoje voljene. Odlučna da otkrije istinu o svom porijeklu, Alita kreće na put koji će je voditi u borbu protiv nepravdi ovog mračnog, korumpiranog svijeta.


Pakleni val

Pakleni val 1991


Okretni Johnny Utah (K. Reeves) mladi je i neiskusni FBI-jev agent kojem šef Ben Harp (J. C. McGinley) dodijeli težak zadatak, istragu niza vješto izvedenih pljački banaka. Kad od svog starijeg partnera, Angela Pappasa (G. Busey), dozna da su kriminalci maskirani u bivše američke predsjednike tijekom posljednje tri godine izveli čak 27 pljački, te da im je nemoguće ući u trag, Johnny uz Pappasovu pomoć na temelju snimaka nadzornih kamera zaključi da se iza maski krije skupina odvažnih surfera. Stoga Johnny nabavi surfersku dasku te već prvog dana, nespretno jašući na valovima, upozna atraktivnu Tyler Ann Endicott (L. Petty). Tyler je vješta surferica i bivša djevojka markantnog Bodhija (P. Swayze), vođe skupine jahača na valovima koji od lipnja do srpnja svake godine neustrašivo prkose prirodi. Znajući da su se sve pljačke dogodile baš u tim razdobljima, Johnny se preko Tyler počne družiti s Bodhijem.


Kod kuće je najljepše

Kod kuće je najljepše 2006


Upoznajte Paulu (Sarah Jessica Parker), lepu i ambicioznu mladu ženu s najneobičnijim poslom na svetu. Naime, ova je lepotica kao svoju životnu profesiju odabrala ukroćivanje „maminih sinova“ koji se ni u srednjim tridesetima ne mogu odvojiti od roditeljskog doma. Njezin novi klijent je Tripp (Matthew McConaughey), šarmantni tridesetogodišnjak koji ima zanimljiv posao, ludi automobil, strast za jedrenje, prekrasnu kuću i roditelje u njoj!


Najdublji udah

Najdublji udah 2023


Zbliživši se zbog ljubavi prema ronjenju na dah, prvakinja rekorderka i junački sigurnosni ronilac pokušaju ispisati povijest: riskirat će sve za ovaj čudesan pothvat.


Zadrži dah: Zaron ispod leda

Zadrži dah: Zaron ispod leda 2022


U ovom dokumentarcu pratimo roniteljicu na dah Johannu Nordblad u pokušaju da sruši svjetski rekord u daljini prijeđenoj pod ledom držeći jedan dah.


Les Coulisses De L'Exploit

Les Coulisses De L'Exploit 1970


"Les Coulisses De L'Exploit" was a French television program of sports information created by Jacques Goddet and Raymond Marcillac, and broadcast on RTF Television then on the first channel of the ORTF from December 13, 1961 to August 16, 1972. The principle of this program is to report on sports news but also to meet men and women performing exceptional feats. According to Raymond Marcillac: "Competitive sport is not our only field of action. It never has been. We want to discover beings whose life is enriching, exhilarating; men who have accomplished acts that can be offered to our admiration without reluctance."


Action Man

Action Man 2000


Athletic thrill-seeker Alex Mann discovers that he is blessed with the AMP Factor, which enables him to anticipate danger that other people don't see coming. Along with his support team, Alex happily travels around the world competing in extreme sporting events. But the mysterious Dr. X is on his trail, seeking to duplicate the AMP Factor and use it to achieve global domination.


One More Time

One More Time 2019


"One More Try" is a Chinese variety show that is all about original extreme sports, such as skateboarding. The season consists of 10 episodes, with celebrity leaders Wang Luodan, Wang Yibo and Cheng Xiao. The professional program consultants are big skateboards Che Lin, Han Minji and Yuan Fei. It gathers 60 top Chinese skaters, and they compete in a series of competitions and tasks in order to qualify to participate in the world's top extreme sports competition, X-Games.


Ultimate Rush

Ultimate Rush 2011


Ultimate Rush is a 2011/2012 documentary television series produced by the Red Bull Media House in association with Matchstick Productions, and marketed as a combination of stupendous action sports endeavour, coupled with a cinematic-approach to storytelling. Through its wide distribution in the United States, the UK, Brazil, Denmark, Austria and other territories, the series is evidence of the acceptance of extreme sports into mainstream television, and one of the most complete accounts thereof. The series focuses on the outrageous exploits of some of the best athletes in the world, and how they explore the fine line between extreme sports, philosophy and art. Most of the filming was conducted in the rugged backcountry of British Columbia, Alaska, the Rocky Mountains, the French Alps, the Himalayas and the Andes, but not at official events or secured sites.


Skysurfer Strike Force

Skysurfer Strike Force 1996


Jack Hollister, aka Skysurfer One, is an extraordinary skydiver who leads a group of vigilante crime fighters known as the Skysurfer Strike Force. Jack's mission is to seek out and defeat the robotic Cybron - a man with a computer for a brain who may have played a sinister role in the mysterious death of Jack's scientist father. The Skysurfers battle Cybron, and his bio-borgs, to stop his attempts at world domination and clear Jack's late father Adam's name, by using anti-gravity skyboards that fly on their own rocket power. This group of daredevils soars the skies at breakneck speeds and performs amazing acrobatic feats in their battle for justice. The Skysurfers use technologically advanced watches, Digitrans, that transformed them from their casual clothing to their battle attire and weapons; at the same time, their cars transform into rocket-powered surfboards that they can ride in the air.


Edge of the Earth

Edge of the Earth 2022


Follow four groups of elite action-adventure athletes on four unique, never-before-accomplished missions taking place around the globe, within awe-inspiring, undiscovered realms of nature.



Spectrum 2014


Spectrum is a unique, in-depth documentary series highlighting today’s professional Supercross and motocross athletes in a fashion never before seen within the sport. Featuring athletes such as Andrew Short, who is on his 15th year as a professional, to newcomers trying to make a name for themselves such as Luke Renzland; Spectrum dives deep into the psyche of the these athletes, all of whom are at different intersections of their careers. Showing viewers the different layers of such a demanding and, sometimes life-threatening sport.


Les Carnets De L'Aventure

Les Carnets De L'Aventure 1977


Les Carnets de l'Aventure is a cult French television program of adventure and extreme sports documentaries broadcast on Saturday afternoons on Antenne 2 (France 2) between 1980 and 1989. At the beginning of the 80s, in full transformation of mountain activities into high level sports, Les Carnets de L'Aventure revealed from to the country that invented alpinism to the whole world the "French-Touch" of these talents of the new approach to the mountains and its new disciplines. Patrick Edlinger and solo free climbing with the film La Vie au Bout des Doigts, directed by Jean-Paul Janssen in 1982. But also his brother in arms Patrick Berhault, Christophe Profit in the solo ascent of Les Drus, the trilogies of Jean-Marc Boivin in hang-gliding, the Himalayan expoits of Marc Batard but also those of Patrick Gabarrou, opener of routes in the Alps and elsewhere, Patrick Vallencant and his extreme skiing, Paul-Émile Victor and many others...


Red Bull X-Alps

Red Bull X-Alps 1970


Founded in 2003, only the most skilled and strongest athletes are able to take on the race across the Alps that involves speed hiking, ultrarunning, mountaineering and paragliding.


Austin Dillon's Life in the Fast Lane

Austin Dillon's Life in the Fast Lane 2022


Follows the over-the-top NASCAR lifestyle of Daytona 500 Champion Austin Dillon, along with his family and friends. Featuring high-stakes races, hilarious adventures and heartwarming moments at home.


Ultimate Parkour Challenge

Ultimate Parkour Challenge 2010


MTV brings the extreme sport of Parkour to TV with some of the most prestigious traceurs (or free runners) from the World Freerunning & Parkour Federation to complete various courses in the quickest time with flow/style and awards one lucky winner a $10,000 prize.


One for all

One for all 2017


Norwegian sports competition reality series hosted by Truls Pedersen. The participants gather at Voss to compete in extreme sports. They are excited, they are ready and maybe a little scared.


Built To Shred

Built To Shred 2008


Built To Shred is a sports show featuring top skateboarders and alternative-sport shredders.