
Rocky 1976


Boksač amater ograničene inteligencije iz opasne filadelfijske četvrti dobije iznenadnu priliku za borbu na prvenstvu u teškoj kategoriji, dok istovremeno pronalazi ljubav u rukama sramežljive, povučene djevojke koja radi u lokalnoj trgovini kućnim ljubimcima.


Creed III

Creed III 2023


Nakon uspjeha u svijetu boksa, Adonis Creed napreduje i u karijeri i u obiteljskom životu. Kada se nakon odslužene zatvorske kazne pojavi njegov prijatelj iz djetinjstva, i nekadašnje boksačko čudo, Damian će zaželjeti priliku u ringu. Sučeljavanje bivših prijatelja više je od obične tučnjave. Kako bi poravnao račune, Adonis mora staviti svoju budućnost na kocku kako bi se borio protiv Damiana – borca koji nema što izgubiti.


Creed: Legenda je rođena

Creed: Legenda je rođena 2015


Bivši svjetski prvak u teškoj kategoriji Rocky Balboa postao je trener i mentor Adonisu Johnsonu, sinu svog starog prijatelja i nekadašnjeg suparnika Apollo Creeda.


Rocky IV

Rocky IV 1985


Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren), njegova supruga i menadžerica Ludmilla (Brigitte Nielsen) dolaze iz Rusije u SAD preuzeti krunu svjetskog prvaka od Rockyja Balboe (Sylvester Stallone). No Rocky se ne želi boriti. Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) se odluči boriti s Dragom i on ga u ringu prebije na smrt. Kako bi osvetio prijatelja, Rocky se pristane boriti s Dragom u Moskvi. I dok se Ivan priprema s pomoću visoke tehnologije, Rocky odlazi u Sibir gdje pokušava vratiti formu cijepajući drva i trčeći. Film je osvojio njemačku nagradu Golden Screen, a glumac Dolph Lundgren nagradu Marshall Trophy 1985. godine.



Boksač 2024


Obećavajući mladi boksač sa suprugom pobjegne iz komunističke Poljske kako bi ostvario svoj san i postao najveći boksač u povijesti.


Rocky III

Rocky III 1982


Nakon što je pobijedio Apolla Creeda (Carl Weathers), Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) sa suprugom (Talia Shire) I sinom živi kao kralj I međunarodna zvijezda. Ignorirajući savjete trenera Mickeyja (Burgess Meredith), Rocky se pristane boriti s Clubberom Langom (Mr. T). No Lang ga pretuče I Mickey doživi infarkt. Rockyju ne preostaje ništa drugo nego da se obrati jedinom čovjeku koji mu može pomoći da vrati krunu: Apollu Creedu.


Creed II

Creed II 2018


Adonis Creed će morati uskladiti život između osobnih obveza i priprema za sljedeću veliku borbu. Suočavanje s protivnikom svoje obitelji samo ga još više motivira za borbu u ringu. Rocky i Adonis suočit će se sa svojim zajedničkim nasljeđem i shvatiti da ništa nije važnije od obitelji.


Rocky II

Rocky II 1979


Nakon što je pobijedio Apolla Creeda (Carl Weathers), Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) sa suprugom (Talia Shire) I sinom živi kao kralj I međunarodna zvijezda. Ignorirajući savjete trenera Mickeyja (Burgess Meredith), Rocky se pristane boriti s Clubberom Langom (Mr. T). No Lang ga pretuče I Mickey doživi infarkt. Rockyju ne preostaje ništa drugo nego da se obrati jedinom čovjeku koji mu može pomoći da vrati krunu: Apollu Creedu.


Rocky Balboa

Rocky Balboa 2006


Sad, kad je slava došla i prošla, i Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), nekadašnji Talijanski Pastuh, svoje večeri provodi pričajući stare priče gostima svoje restorana Adrian's, nazvanog po njegovoj pokojnoj ženi koju u tišini oplakuje. Njegov sin (Milo Ventimiglia) ne želi provoditi vrijeme s njim; zauzet je vlastitim životom. Vrijeme i udarci ponizili su Rockyja, deformirali mu šake, pogrbili ramena i oduzeli mu sve osim priča, no u srcu je još onaj stari. U srcu je još borac. Mason “The Line” Dixon okrunjeni je prvak u teškoj kategoriji poznat jedino po lakoći kojom je došao do titule. Kako se nikad nije dokazao, nikad suočio s dostojnim protivnikom, obožavatelji ga smatraju tehničarem bez srca, bez prave budućnosti u tom sportu... Sve dok ga računalna simulacija ne dovede u ring s Rockyjem Balboom u najboljim danima.


Rocky V

Rocky V 1990


Zahvaljujući nesposobnosti ženinoga brata i prijatelja Pauliea (Burt Young), Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) ostaje bez novca. Nakon tučnjave u Moskvi liječnici otkrivaju da ima oštećenje mozga i Rocky se ne smije više boriti. Ubrzo proda kuću i s obitelji se vrati u stari siromašni kvart. Ondje trenira Tommyja Gunna (Tommy Morrison), mladog boksača koji ga napusti i udruži se sa Georgeom W. Dukeom (Richard Gant). Kako bi zaradio poštovanje obožavatelja, Tommy se želi tuči s bivšim prvakom. No to bi mogla biti Rockyjeva zadnja borba.


Lijevi kroše

Lijevi kroše 2015


Billy „The Great” Hope slavan je boksač i svjetski šampion u polu teškoj kategoriji koji, čini se, ima sve – impresivnu karijeru, predivnu ženu i preslatku kćer te živi lagodnim životom. Na vrhuncu karijere, zadesi ga tragedija nakon koje ga napusti dugogodišnji menadžer i prijatelj, zbog čega Billy zapadne u veliku depresiju. Odlučivši kako je vrijeme da svoj život vrati u normalu, za pomoć se obrati Ticku, umirovljenom borcu i treneru najboljih amaterskih boksača u gradu. I dok mu budućnost ovisi o Tickovom vodstvu i snazi, Billy se nađe u najtežoj borbi svojega života, onoj u kojoj će se morati izboriti za iskupljenje i ljubav svojih najbližih.


Veliki George Foreman

Veliki George Foreman 2023


Čudesna priča o nekadašnjem prvaku svijeta u teškoj kategoriji. Nakon što je djetinjstvo proveo u siromaštvu, Foreman je sav svoj bijes usmjerio prema osvajanju olimpijske zlatne medalje i titule svjetskog prvaka u teškoj kategoriji. Nakon godina uspješne karijere, nakon što je preživio iskustvo na rubu smrti, Foreman je boksački ring zamijenio propovijedanjem i služenjem crkvi. No, uvidjevši potrebu boksačke zajednice za duhovnim i financijskim vodstvom, George Foreman se vraća u ring i ponovno ulazi u povijest, postavši najstariji prvak svijeta i dokazavši da je u boksu sve moguće, bez obzira na godine.


Ring opstanka

Ring opstanka 2022


Harry Haft je boksač koji se borio s robijašima u koncentracijskim logorima kako bi preživio. Progonjen sjećanjima i krivnjom, pokušava iskoristiti borbe s boksačkim legendama poput Rockyja Marciana da ponovno pronađe svoju prvu ljubav.


Boksač: Život Jema Belchera

Boksač: Život Jema Belchera 2022


Godine 1800. Jem Belcher postao je najmlađi svjetski prvak ikada. Ovo je njegova nevjerojatna istinita priča. Na prijelazu iz 19. stoljeća društvene promjene i napredak polako su se širili diljem Britanskog Carstva. U gradovima i selima u Engleskoj je još uvijek bilo jako puno siromaštva, ali u zabačenim uličicama Bristola živio je junak u usponu. Njegovo ime je Jem Belcher i on je transformirao primitivno šaketanje u kraljevski sport.



YOLO 2024


Le Ying godinama ostaje kod kuće ne radeći ništa. Nakon što je završila fakultet i radila neko vrijeme, Le Ying se odlučila povući iz društva i nije održavala kontakt sa svojim društvenim krugom. To je bio najbolji način za koji je vjerovala da se "pomiri" sa samom sobom. Jednog dana, zbog nekoliko "smicalica" sudbine, odlučila je promijeniti život. Upoznala je boksačkog trenera Hao Kuna. Taman kad je pomislila da će joj život krenuti pravim putem, život ju ponovno stavlja na kušnju.


Fighting Spirit

Fighting Spirit 2000


Makunouchi Ippo is an ordinary high school student in Japan. Since he spends most of his time away from school helping his mother run the family business, he doesn't get to enjoy his younger years like most teenagers. Always a target for bullying at school (the family fishing business grants him a distinct odor), Ippo's life is one of hardship. One of these after-school bullying sessions turns Ippo's life around for the better, as he is saved by a boxer named Takamura. He decides to follow in Takamura's footsteps and train to become a boxer, giving his life direction and purpose. Ippo's path to perfecting his pugilistic prowess is just beginning...


Tomorrow's Joe

Tomorrow's Joe 1970


Joe Yabuki is a troubled youth, whose only solution to problems is throwing punches at them. What he lacks in manners and discipline, he makes up for with his self-taught fighting skills. One day, while wandering the slums of Doya, Joe gets into a fight with the local gang. Although greatly outnumbered, he effortlessly defeats them, drawing the attention of Danpei Tange—a former boxing coach turned alcoholic. Seeing his potential, he offers to train Joe into Japan's greatest boxer. At first, Joe dismisses Danpei as a hopeless drunk; but after the trainer saves his life, he agrees to live with him and learn the art of boxing. Unfortunately, Joe's personality makes him an unruly student, and he often falls back to his old ways. To survive the harsh world of his new career, Joe needs to trust his mentor and master the techniques taught to him. However, the road to becoming a professional boxer is rife with struggles that will test his mettle to the end.





A boxer named Mignon, and a vampire doctor Young-on Oh, who find solace in the presence of one another through an aggressive and romantic affair.



Bloodhounds 2023


Two young boxers band together with a benevolent moneylender to take down a ruthless loan shark who preys on the financially desperate.


Sweet Combat

Sweet Combat 2018


As the eldest daughter of the Fang Conglomerate, Fang Yu was raised to become the sole successor of the company, yet she goes against her family's objections to pursue boxing and won the championship title at the young age of 18. On the other hand, Ming Tian comes from a poor family. He once stopped schooling for three years in order to work and he decided to apply for a sports scholarship despite not having any background whatsoever. Fang Yu was one of the first to see his talents and their relationship grows over time.





A desolate land stretches out from the city of poverty. A motorcycle speeds recklessly, blowing clouds of sand and dust. The rider is the protagonist of this story – he has neither a name nor a past. All he has is his ring name, “Junk Dog” and a technique for rigging MEGALOBOX matches with his pal Gansaku Nanbu, which they use to support their hand-to-mouth lives. JD is bored, resigned, and unfulfilled. Yuri has been the reigning champion of MEGALOBOX for the past few years. He has the skills and presence of a true champion. This is a story of JD and his rival, Yuri.


To Be With You

To Be With You 2019


Lin Meiya is on a plane returning home from her studies abroad when she encounters Ou Yang due to a misunderstanding. She had planned to get married upon her return but is unexpectedly met with her boyfriend's cold betrayal. Learning to stand up and move on from heartbreak, she finds employment at Ou Yang's company. As they spend time together, their relationship deepens beyond simple friendship, and they learn to rely on each other through difficult times.


Ring Ni Kakero

Ring Ni Kakero 2004


Kiku and Ryuji take over their late father’s ambition of becoming a boxing champion. As his sister trains him, Ryuji progresses physically and mentally and he finally meets his destined rival, Jun.


Do Your Best Genki

Do Your Best Genki 1980


Do Your Best Genki is a sports manga by Yū Koyama about Horiguchi Genki, a boy who is raised by a single father, and who wants to be a boxer like him. It was adapted as an anime television series by Toei Animation. The manga received the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen in 1977.


My Lovely Boxer

My Lovely Boxer 2023


Vanished genius boxer Kwon-sook and cold-hearted agent Tae-young risk all to defy match-fixing's clutches.


Ten Count to the Future

Ten Count to the Future 2022


When Kirisawa Shogo was a high school student, he was a brilliant amateur boxer. He won 4 boxing tournaments and he seemed to have a bright future in the sport. During his university student days, he quit the sport of boxing. Life went on for Kirisawa Shogo. But, after his beloved wife died, his life has now become a total mess. He doesn't have any hope or desire to live. He just spends his days working part-time jobs to make a living. One day, his friend asks him to coach the boxing team at the high school where they attended. Kirisawa Shogo accepts the coaching position. Being around the young boxers, who work extremely hard, Kirisawa Shogo begins to feel alive once again.


Antique Bakery

Antique Bakery 2008


Antique Bakery is a manga by Fumi Yoshinaga depicting the lives of four men who work in a small bakery. It was published in Japan by Shinshokan and in English by Digital Manga Publishing. The series won the 2002 Kodansha Manga Award for shōjo manga. The manga was adapted as a Japanese TV drama, with the title Antique or Antique Cake Store, that was broadcast on Fuji TV in 2001, an anime TV series, airing on July 3, 2008 on noitaminA, and a Korean live-action movie.



Mike 2022


Explore the wild, tragic and controversial life and career of heavyweight champion Mike Tyson - one of the most polarizing figures in sports culture.


Totoy Bato

Totoy Bato 2009


Totoy Bato is a boxing-themed Philippine drama from GMA Network, based on the graphic novel created by Carlo J. Caparas, that depicts the remarkable story of an ordinary person named Totoy Magtanggol, played by Robin Padilla, becoming a skillful boxer and conquering injustice with bravery and compassion. The series premiered on February 23. This is considered to be the first Indie Television Show for Robin's own crew in the production and blocking the powers of the management to control the show.


Naguru Onna

Naguru Onna 1998


Fired by the company she works at, and desperate for a new job, accountant Yoshimura Kaoru finds herself taking a job at Paradise Gym - a boxing gym. Through a series of events she ends up becoming the trainer of an old boxer Sawada Ryohei, trying to make something of himself after quitting his well paying job. Although she hates the sport, she finds herself attached to this rude, obnoxious man and they journey forth together to find where it is they both belong.



Levius 2019


With the casualties of war still haunting him, young Levius uses his prosthetic arm to take his fight into the brutal world of Mecha Boxing.


One-Pound Gospel

One-Pound Gospel 2008


Hatanaka Kosaku is a talented boxer who turned pro at the age of 19, winning his debut match with a first round KO. He is talented, but he has no guts. His uncontrollable appetite is an even bigger problem. He can't put himself in the right weight class, he runs out of energy because of hunger, and he gets knocked out while his eyes are set on food at the ringside. However, Kosaku's life changed when he met Sister Angela, a novice nun in the convent near his boxing gym. She became the source of his power, and Kosaku fights only to win her heart.