
Trezor 2021


Kad inženjer sazna za tajanstvenu, neprobojnu tvrđavu koja se skriva ispod španjolske banke, pridružuje se grupi majstora lopova koji planiraju ukrasti legendarno izgubljeno blago zaključano unutra dok cijeloj zemlji odvlači pozornost španjolsko finale Svjetskog kupa.



Sahara 2005


U potrazi za davno izgubljenim bojnim brodom iz građanskog rata s tajnim teretom, kojeg lokalno stanovništvo naziva "Brodom smrti", Dirk i njegov duhoviti pomoćnik Al Giordino (Steve Zahn) upoznaju dr. Evu Rojas (Penelope Cruz), prelijepu i genijalnu doktoricu koja vjeruje da je tajanstveno blago povezano s puno većim problemom koji predstavlja prijetnju cijelom svijetu. U potrazi za brodom, za kojeg nitko ne vjeruje da postoji, Dirk, Al i Eva moraju se uzdati u svoju domišljatost i hrabrost ne bi li uspjeli nadmudriti opasne vojskovođe, preživjeti u opasnoj zemlji i naposljetku razriješiti tajnu.


Opasno plavetnilo 2

Opasno plavetnilo 2 2009


Sebastian (Chris Carmack) i Dana (Laura Vandervoort) angažirani su istražiti dubine oceana i pronaći Kolumbovo potopljeno blago. Par misli da će se obogatiti kada pronađu traženo blago, no njihovi poslodavci imaju drugačije planove pa će uskoro Sebastian i Dani shvatiti da su im najveće blago upravo njihovi životi koje će morati spašavati od podmuklih poslodavaca.



She 1935



Dječak na dupinu

Dječak na dupinu 1957


Phaedra (Sophia Loren) je ronilac spužvi koja, pretražujući podmorje, otkriva ostatke potonulog broda s nizom fascinantnih umjetničkih predmeta, uključujući i statuu dječaka koji jaše na dupinu. Kada Phaedra ispriča svom dečku Rhifu (Jorge Mistral) što je pronašla, on je uvjeren da je riječ o vrijednoj statui, te počinje kovati planove kako ju dovesti na kopno i prodati. Tražeći pomoć, odlaze dr. Jamesu Calderu (Alan Ladd), američkom arheologu koji radi na projektu za grčki muzej.


Let This Grieving Soul Retire!

Let This Grieving Soul Retire! 2024


Six childhood friends make a vow one day to become treasure hunters, and eventually grow to be the strongest heroes in the world. During his first quest, Krai Andrey realizes he isn’t cut out for the job. Even so, his friends make him their leader. Underpowered in the face of great expectations, Krai embarks on a reluctant hero’s tale of glory, headaches, and wanting to retire early.


The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles

The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles 1992


At the dawn of the 20th century, Indiana Jones discovered the world. From globetrotting family expeditions as a 9-year-old to the battlefields of World War I as a teenager, Indy’s experiences shaped the heroic, whip-cracking archaeologist he would become. At every turn, Indy encounters history in the making, meeting true-life activists, soldiers, writers, artists, and thinkers who helped influence the world we live in today.



Detectorists 2014


The lives of two eccentric metal detectorists, who spend their days plodding along ploughed tracks and open fields, hoping to disturb the tedium by unearthing the fortune of a lifetime.


Secrets of Urduja

Secrets of Urduja 2023


Gem and Crystal are assigned to work in a special law enforcement operation. They are entrusted with the recovery of precious, pre-colonial jewelry which is believed to have belonged to the legendary and mythical Queen Urduja of the 1300s. In order to defeat a nemesis that they never imagined to be so closely linked to both of them, Gem and Crystal must deal with personality problems as well as the astonishing realization that they may be long-lost half-sisters and gifted descendants of Urduja herself.


The Pirates of Dark Water

The Pirates of Dark Water 1991


The Pirates of Dark Water is a fantasy animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera in 1991.


The Lost Tomb

The Lost Tomb 2015


Wu Xie is an antique shop owner who comes from a family of tomb raiders. As he continues the family trade with his team of tomb raiders, he finds lost treasures of the Warring States as well as the answers to the tragedies of his family’s past. With the help of his grandfather’s notes and his team – the quiet Zhang Qiling, the resourceful Pang Zi, the experienced Wu Sanxing, San Xing’s loyal helper Pan Zi, and the skillful Ah Ning – Wu Xie sets out to find the lost treasures as well as the people responsible for the massacre of his family.


Gold Rush: Winter's Fortune

Gold Rush: Winter's Fortune 2021


The Gold Rush miners make big moves in the brutal winter months: hunting for gold, battling for the best spots, and supersizing their operations.


Chasseurs d'épaves

Chasseurs d'épaves 2014


Shipwreck hunter Samuel Côté takes us to the depths of the St-Lawrence river, in search of buried and long-forgotten treasures. With his team of divers, Samuel tracks down shipwrecks that lie in the river’s abyss, seeking to bring their mysteries to light. The series immerses the viewer into Quebec’s maritime history, through tales of war, pirates, treasures and archeology. The venture is a risky one, but Samuel’s discoveries are fascinating and allow him to accomplish his mission, which is to restore the river’s history. Season 1: 10 x 30 minutes, fall 2014 Season 2: 9 x 30 minutes, winter 2016 Season 3: in production The series is produced by URBANIA, broadcast on the HISTORIA channel, thanks to the financial support of the Canada Media Fund.


Ross Kemp: Shipwreck Treasure Hunter

Ross Kemp: Shipwreck Treasure Hunter 2022


Actor and author Ross Kemp dives into the deep ocean to uncover long lost stories and mysteries in this new Sky series, `Ross Kemp: Shipwreck Treasure'. Accompanying him for the dives of a lifetime is expert diver Emily Turton, and together they will go on many expeditions to some of the most famous shipwrecks around the UK. They hope to find answers to long-standing questions, hidden secrets, and any potential treasures that could be lost on the sea floor. Through these wrecks, Britain's complex history will become a little more clear.