Ključna riječ Indian Ocean
Sve je izgubljeno 2013
Nasred Indijskog oceana jedriličar se budi, a voda mu ulazi u brod. Ubrzo shvati da se tijekom noći njegova jedrilica sudarila s napuštenim plutajućim kontejnerom. Dok sanira oštećenje na trupu primjećuje kako mu je voda uništila radio i mobitel. Ubrzo se diže oluja.
Kapringen 2012
Ocean Souls 2021
Le Troisième Monde 2019
Oceans 2008
Oceans is an eight-part series on BBC Two, which seeks to provide a better understanding of the state of the Earth's oceans today, their role in the past, present and future and their significance in global terms. Paul Rose also documents some of the scientific observations his team made as a feature for BBC News.