
Poremećena 2018


Napeti psihološki triler Poremećena, redatelja Stevena Soderbergha, prati sudbinu mlade žene suočene s vlastitom noćnom morom. Nakon niza potresnih događaja, protagonistica završava u psihijatrijskoj bolnici, a umjesto da pronađe utočište, suočava se s novim izazovima i strahovima unutar bolničkih zidova. Poremećena precizno prikazuje napetost i neizvjesnost te otkriva kako se noćna mora mlade žene produbljuje u okrutnom okruženju psihijatrijske ustanove. Steven Soderbergh majstorski dočarava atmosferu napetosti, a gledatelje vodi kroz mračne psihološke labirinte likova. Poremećena otkriva duboke slojeve ženske borbe s vlastitim demonima i nudi uvid u ljudsku psihu u najizazovnijim trenucima.



Rage 2009




Sportsfan 2023


Sportsfan is KeyTV's network's take on family sitcoms shot entirely on iPhones and directed by Keke Palmer. In the series, we meet CJ, a dedicated fancy footballer who streams about his favorite team the Beagles – much to the enjoyment of his friends and father, and the chagrin of his heavily pregnant wife, Lila. Over the course of the show, we watch as he juggles these priorities and ultimately has to decide what he’s really a fan of.