Bitka za Pacifik: Ustanak

Bitka za Pacifik: Ustanak 2018


Zemljinim prirodnim resursima ponovno prijeti potpuno uništenje, a čovječanstvu višemilijunski gubitci. Da bi se suprotstavili neprijateljskim, genetski modificiranim čudovištima Kaiju, ljudi su izumili novu vrstu oružja: gigantske robote nazvane Jaegers. U Prvoj bitci, robote su kontrolirali dvojica pilota međusobno komunicirajući telepatijom, te su slavno izborili pobjedu nad zlom. Dobili su bitku, ali ne i rat. U Ustanku upravljače u svoje ruke preuzimaju djeca proslavljenog Stackera Pentecosta. Buntovni mladi pilot Jake, koji je po smrti svoga oca odbacio obuku i upleo se u zbivanja kriminalnog podzemlja, sada uviđa ozbiljnost situacije i odlučuje se udružiti s otuđenom sestrom, publici već poznatom Makom Mori. Moraju nastaviti herojsku misiju svog pokojnog oca te zajedno u boj povesti hrabru novu generaciju pilota i boraca, odraslih u sjeni rata. Pridružuju im se daroviti pilot Nate Lambert i petnaestogodišnja Jaeger hakerica Amara Namani.


Tokyo Underground

Tokyo Underground 2002


Tokyo Underground is a manga series by Akinobu Uraka and published by Enix. It became an anime series, produced by Studio Pierrot and shown on the TV Tokyo Network from April 2 until September 24, 2002. The TV series was released on DVD by Geneon Entertainment in the US and Canada, released as a boxset by Manga Entertainment in the UK and by Tokyo Night Train in Australia. It also aired in Canada on the digital channel G4techTV Canada, starting on July 22, 2007 at 8:30 pm ET/PT.


RoOT - Route of OddTaxi -

RoOT - Route of OddTaxi - 2024


The hardened veteran detective Rena and bright-eyed rookie Sato take on a menial investigation. The job goes well until a thug named Dobu steals their evidence. Disheartened, they take a job looking into the life of a taxi driver named Odokawa in hopes of redeeming themselves. They wind up in the middle of a missing girl case, with gangsters, aspiring students, and surprises around every corner.


Barakan Discovers

Barakan Discovers 2019


Peter Barakan is a broadcaster and a 45-year resident of Japan. In this series, he discovers how Japan is changing.


Tokyo Override

Tokyo Override 2024


When a lonely hacker gets entangled with a group of underground couriers, they uncover the dark truth lurking beneath Tokyo's seemingly perfect facade.


A Journey In Japan

A Journey In Japan 2018


We go on a one month backpacking adventure around Japan. In this 2 part documentary series we travel to Japan for the very first time. Travelling there for one month, starting in Tokyo and then using the Japan Rail Pass to explore the country.