Snježno kraljevstvo: Groznica snježnog kraljevstva 2015
Annin je rođendan, a Elsa i Kristoff odlučili su joj pripremiti najbolju proslavu ikad, međutim Elsine ledene moći mogle bi dovesti u rizik i više od same zabave.
Annin je rođendan, a Elsa i Kristoff odlučili su joj pripremiti najbolju proslavu ikad, međutim Elsine ledene moći mogle bi dovesti u rizik i više od same zabave.
Maripier Morin opens TVA’s Studio G doors to celebrate beloved celebrities. Colleagues, friends and family are joining our host to organize a memorable surprise party to their famous loved one.
Designer Marie-Christine Lavoie organize, with the helping hand of a well-known accomplice, a major event for a local personality. Design, decoration, creative direction, gifts and other surprises come together to create an atmosphere that’s tailor made to charm the guest of honour.