Twister 2

Twister 2 2024


Kako se sezona oluja pojačava, putevi bivše lovice na oluje Kate Carter i bezobzirne superzvijezde društvenih medija Tylera Owensa sudaraju se kada se oslobode zastrašujuće pojave koje dosad nisu viđene. Njih dvoje i njihovi konkurentski timovi nalaze se točno na stazama višestrukih olujnih sustava koji se skupljaju iznad središnje Oklahome u borbi njihovih života.



Twister 1996


Bill i Jo bivši su supružnici čija je glavna zajednička strast bila skupljanje podataka o olujnom vremenu. Kad Bill upozna Jo s budućom suprugom, Melissom, Jo je upravo u lovu na razorni tornado. Ne mogavši odoljeti izazovu, Bill se priključi Joinom timu zajedno s Melissom, na trenutak zaboravljajući pravi razlog dolaska - potpisivanje papira za razvod braka - i svi kreću u susret jednom od najvećih tornada svih vremena...


Kiss the Ground

Kiss the Ground 2020


Znanstvenici i slavni aktivisti objašnjavaju zašto bi tlo moglo biti ključno za uspjeh borbe protiv klimatskih promjena i za očuvanje našega planeta.


The Storm

The Storm 2009


The Storm is a 2009 American science fiction disaster miniseries directed by Bradford May. Based on a previous teleplay by Matthew Chernov and David Rosiak, it was written by David Abramowitz and Dennis A. Pratt and revolves around a weather creation system developed by the Atmospheric Research Institute that threatens life on Earth when deployed by the military. However, while scientist Dr. Jonathan Kirk, Danni Wilson, and detectives Devon Williams and Stilman attempt to save the world, the former is hunted by hitmen. The first part of the film was broadcast on the NBC network July 26, 2009. The second part was broadcast on August 2, 2009.



Ice 2011


It is 2020. The destructive effects of global warming cause unimaginable devastation and panic worldwide. The human race finds itself contemplating the dawn of a new ice age.


Fight for Planet A: Our Climate Challenge

Fight for Planet A: Our Climate Challenge 2020


Craig Reucassel takes on a climate challenge to reduce our carbon emissions and understand where our energy comes from, how transport and travel emissions affect our health and just what is the carbon footprint of the things we eat?