
Malena 2000


„Malena“ je nezaboravna priča o putovanju jednog dječaka do zrelosti usred kaosa i netrpeljivosti Drugog svjetskog rata. U uspavanom talijanskom selu Malena, najljepša žena u mjestu, postaje tema sve brojnijih zlobnih ogovaranja među pohotnim mještanima i njihovim ljubomornim suprugama. Ali samo će njezin najvatreniji obožavatelj, mladi Renato Amoroso, saznati njezinu zagonetnu neispričanu priču.


Kino Paradiso

Kino Paradiso 1988


Dirljiva priča o ljubavi dječaka prema filmovima, koja će potrajati cijeli život. Smještena u maleno talijansko selo, radnja prati odrastanje Salvatorea koji kao petogodišnjak dolazi u susret sa zadivljujućom magijom pokretnih slika u lokalnom kinu Paradiso. Kada mu projekcionist Alfredo pristane otkriti sve misterije filma, rađa se duboko prijateljstvo. S vremenom Salvatore odrasta i napušta rodno mjesto kako bi ostvario svoj san i snimio vlastiti film. Trideset godina kasnije primit će poruku koja će ga vratiti u prošlost.


Razvod na talijanski način

Razvod na talijanski način 1961


Ferdinando Cefalù očajnički želi oženiti svoju rođakinju Angelu, ali je oženjen Rosalijom i razvod je u Italiji nezakonit. On nagovara slikara da namami njegovu ženu na aferu kako bi je mogao uhvatiti i ubiti, jer zna da bi dobio blagu kaznu za ubojstvo preljubnice, no Rosalia se pokazuje vjernijom nego što je očekivao.


Operacija Mincemeat

Operacija Mincemeat 2022


Ratne 1943. godine nevjerojatni plan Britanaca upropastio je vojnu taktiku nacista. Akcija neobičnog naziva “Operacija Mincemeat” promijenila je tijek Drugog svjetskog rata, a sve se zasnivalo na jednoj nevjerojatnoj činjenici – čovjek koji je trebao izvršiti operaciju već je bio mrtav!


Inspector Montalbano

Inspector Montalbano 1999


Inspector Montalbano is an Italian television series produced and broadcast by RAI since 1999, based on the detective novels of Andrea Camilleri. The protagonist is Commissario Salvo Montalbano, and the stories are set in the imaginary town of Vigata, Sicily. In 2012 the series generated a prequel, Il giovane Montalbano.


The Fortunate Pilgrim

The Fortunate Pilgrim 1988


The saga of an Italian immigrant family in search of the American dream.



Makari 2021


Saverio Lamanna, a journalist turned spokesman for an influential government politician, is fired after committing imprudence at work. Defeated both emotionally and professionally, Saverio decides to leave Rome and return to Màkari, his birthplace in Sicily: here he rediscovers a great passion that has remained dormant for years, that of the writer. Driven by the curiosity that characterizes him, Saverio decides to improvise as an investigator and investigate the various local cases, forming an unlikely trio together with the eccentric and light-hearted friend Peppe Piccionello and the determined architecture student Suleima.


Husdrömmar Sicilien

Husdrömmar Sicilien 2020


Follow along as former Husdömmar couple Bill and Marie from Höganäs set out on their latest house dream journey on Sicily. The pink, run-down house ”Palazzo Cirillo” is going to become the family's new summer home.


L'amaro caso della Baronessa di Carini

L'amaro caso della Baronessa di Carini 1975


Sicily 1812: the first liberal constitution shall put an end to the privileges of the feudal lords. Luca Corbara, sent by the Minister of Finance to control the landed properties, begins to suspect that the current Carini feud is made up of lands usurped more than two centuries before by the lover of the killed Baroness.


Sicily Unpacked

Sicily Unpacked 2012


TV art historian Andrew Graham-Dixon and Michelin starred chef Giorgio Locatelli take us on a delightful journey around their beloved Sicily. Sharing a passion for all things Sicilian they make the perfect travel partners. We accompany them to the heart of the island as they introduce each other to the things they love most. Exploring the island through each other s eyes and hearts, they reveal how the layers of history have created a unique blend of art and architecture. As well as the pleasures of an intense and vibrant culture, they experience the sadness the island has come through and the strength of the Sicilian people as they rose up and challenged the Mafia. Together they document how the various conquering forces and the rich variety of different heritages have helped to shape both the food and the culture of this beautiful Mediterranean island.