On Our Own Land

On Our Own Land 1948


Set in a Slovenian coastal town in WW2, the film tells a story about villagers who help partisans to get rid of Italian, and later German authorities that ruled the town in the last years of occupation.



Abandoned 1955


A group of rich young intellectuals hiding from the war in rural Italy play at being partisans when some disbanded soldiers and some refugees ask them for shelter in their villa. The young and aristocratic Andrea strikes up a friendship with a peasant girl, Lucia. Then the Germans suddenly appear, looking for the real partisans, and the time comes for serious decisions.



Cefalonia 2005


Cefalonia tells the real story about what happened in September 1943 on the Greek island of Kefalonia (Cefalonia in Italian), when the 12,000 men in the Italian 33rd Acqui Infantry Division, following Italy's surrender to the Allied, refused to put themselves under German command and also refused to surrender their weapons. The local German force, supported by Stuka dive-bombers and additional troops, attacked the Italians and after several days of combat the Italians surrendered, having lost 1,300 men. As punishment, the German High Command ordered that all surviving Italians should be executed. Some 5,000 were executed during a week of killings. A handful were rescued by locals and the Greek guerrilla, while the rest were shipped off as prisoners, whereof 3,000 drowned when their ships hit mines. The film "Captain Corelli's Mandolin" is based on a novel about the Italian occupation of Cefalonia, but the massacre was much toned down in the Hollywood version.


Volere Votare

Volere Votare 2016


Through the testimonies of some Italian women, the documentary evokes the day of 2 June 1946, when they were called upon to cast their vote for the first time. The battles conducted by Italian women in the years leading up to 1946 to demand recognition of the right to vote. The approval of the right to vote for women by the Italian Parliament on 1 February 1945, at the proposal of the Italian Communist Party Secretary Palmiro Togliatti and statesman and founder of the Christian Democratic Party De Gasperi. The role of the first 21 women elected to the Constituent Assembly on 2 June 1946, and their contribution to the writing of the Italian Constitution.


One Fine Day

One Fine Day 1962


A story set in a Slovenian village during Italian occupation. Stefuc, a man who has been widowed twice and has four daughters, wants to get married for the third time with Zana, who's already engaged and pregnant with Ludvik. Stefuc tries to separate them away, but realizes that he'll have to marry Hedvika, a nice looking girl who has just returned from Milan. In the meantime, Italian fascist authorities decide to eradicate five Slovenian songs with the help of local traitors.


The Vicar Martin Cedermac

The Vicar Martin Cedermac 1970


The adaptation of notable work by Slovenian writer France Bevk about catholic priest who maintains national dignity among his villagers, and doesn't fall under fascists' influence during Italian occupation of the area.


If Only I Were That Warrior

If Only I Were That Warrior 2015


If Only I Were That Warrior is a feature documentary film focusing on the Italian occupation of Ethiopia in 1935. Following the recent construction of a monument dedicated to Fascist general Rodolfo Graziani, the film addresses the unpunished war crimes he and others committed in the name of Mussolini’s imperial ambitions. The stories of three characters, filmed in present day Ethiopia, Italy and the United States, take the audience on a journey through the living memories and the tangible remains of the Italian occupation of Ethiopia — a journey that crosses generations and continents to today, where this often overlooked legacy still ties the fates of two nations and their people.



Trieste 1951


Despite all actions taken in attempt to conquer Trieste, Gestapo forces fail to do so. The surrender of Italian fascist state gives partisans an open way in seizing the power with the help of domicile population.


The Illegals

The Illegals 1976


During World War II, an Italian agent tries to infiltrate the Albanian guerrilla units under the identity of 'engineer Tosti'.


Red Poppies on the Wall

Red Poppies on the Wall 1976


In an orphanage in Tirana at the beginning of the Second World War during the occupation by the Italian fascists, a group of boys make plans to rebel against the despotic director and the oppression by the management.


Zanghat Arreeh

Zanghat Arreeh 2019


The series "Zanghat Arreeh" is a historical social drama, the events of which take place in 1945 in the city of Tripoli in Libya. It highlights the suffering of the Libyan people under the rule of the British administration that was installed in Libya after World War II and the defeat of Italy. In the absence of any media or legal interest, the British military administration facilitated procedures for foreign communities at the expense of the sons of the homeland. The series also highlights the social life, customs and traditions that prevailed among the residents of Tripoli of all religions and ethnicities, united by one city and one homeland, in which they share their joys and sorrows.