
Arrowhead 1970


Learn how to climb Great Gable in the Lake District, via the Arrowhead ridge climb.


Futurs champions, le prix de la gloire

Futurs champions, le prix de la gloire 2024


Recent scandals have revealed the brutal methods often imposed on young top athletes. Fueled by numerous testimonies, this damning investigation reveals the workings of a system which sacrifices children in the name of economic interests and glory.


For Which We Stand: To Be Held In Honor

For Which We Stand: To Be Held In Honor 1950


In this film, servicemen are strongly urged to forgo illicit and casual sex because it is degrading and contrary to divine will. The joys of marriage and family are stressed. Long-term happiness should be the goal, not immediate gratification. A medical officer discusses sexual abstinence, saying that it will not adversely affect a man's virility. A commanding officer points out that sexual promiscuity among troops is not just the concern of the medical officer and the chaplain. He says that self-control should be practiced by everyone. Marriage and family should be the goal of every man. A chaplain speaks of abstinence and self-control as obedience to divine law. Shots include: sailors with their families; a wedding; sailors picking up girls and visiting prostitutes. There is some animation.


P-38 Flight Characteristics

P-38 Flight Characteristics 1943


Training film for pilots of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning pursuit aircraft, focusing particularly on flight characteristics during operation on only one engine.



Fog 1943


United States Navy Training Film produced under the supervision to the Bureau of Aeronautics by Walt Disney Productions in Technicolor


Debris Tunnelling

Debris Tunnelling 1943


A British documentary on tunneling if a building falls in ruins.


New Builders

New Builders 1944


Documentary on the young builders who'll rebuild Britain after the war.


Stop That Tank!

Stop That Tank! 1942


A Disney educational animated short instructing the use of the Boys MK.1 Anti-Tank rifle.


Four Methods of Flush Riveting

Four Methods of Flush Riveting 1942


Flush riveting is a way of connecting two pieces of sheet metal together, using rivets whose heads do not protrude above the surface of the metal. In aircraft construction, a flush rivet reduces drag, thus increasing aircraft performance. This World War II-era Walt Disney industrial-training film teaches four methods of flush-riveting aircraft aluminum sheet metal: the Countersink method, the Double Dimple method, the Pre-Dimple method, and the Combination Pre-Dimple and Countersink method. The choice of method to use is based upon the thicknesses of the top and bottom metal sheets.


It's Your Accident

It's Your Accident 1969


A film about safety in the feedmill and around heavy machinery. Points out that a person's mood can affect their judgment and lead to accidents.



Camouflage 1944


This film is a treasure. It's one of the best examples of the theory and practice of the art of camouflaging military targets from air observation & attack that you'll find anywhere, presented in a highly entertaining Disney style full color animation supplemented by live action film. Hosted by “Yehudi the Chameleon,” the action is centered around a P-39 Airacobra base in the Pacific and is chocked full of useful information & “how-tos.” Some of the many things you'll learn: how camouflage works in Nature, analyzing the specific camouflage needs of your location, theories and application of different camouflages, hiding in shadow, using camouflage netting, creating dummy targets, breaking up distinctive shadow lines that outline structures, concealment by “blending,” making “trees,” hiding routes & paths or creating fake ones, hiding targets in plain sight by adding minimal camouflage and more.