The Winds of Kitty Hawk

The Winds of Kitty Hawk 1978


The story of the Wright Brothers and their efforts to invent, build, and fly the world's first successful motor-operated airplane.


Who Flew First: Challenging the Wright Brothers

Who Flew First: Challenging the Wright Brothers 2016


Officially, the Wright Brothers flew first in 1903. But the Australian aviation expert John Brown argues that German born Gustave Whitehead flew in Connecticut in 1901. To display the Wright flyer, the Smithsonian Museum agreed that it will never claim that anyone flew before the Wrights. History may not be as certain as we thought.


The Wright Stuff

The Wright Stuff 1996


On August 8, 1908, at a racetrack outside Paris, Wilbur Wright executed what was, for him, a routine flight: a smooth take-off banking into a couple of tight circles, ending in a perfect landing. The flight took less than two minutes, but it left spectators awestruck. While the combined talents of Wilbur and Orville Wright had produced the first plane capable of controlled flight , their distrust of others had almost cost them the credit for their invention. Now, having proved to the public that they had mastered the sky, the reserved brothers from the small town of Dayton, Ohio, became world celebrities.