Thorn Castle

Thorn Castle 2012


Tutajos is an excellent student whose parents decide to reward his academic achievements with a vacation to the countryside. Robbed of his gadgets and easy city-lifestyle, Tutajos finds himself completely out of his element – until a goodhearted ranger named Matula teaches him how to get back to nature. As Tutajos’ best friend Bütyök joins him on his vacation, the two boys learn the joys of camping, hunting, and living off of the land.


Annas Erbe

Annas Erbe 2011


The surprising death of her husband hits Anna like a blow: Suddenly she is completely alone and has to take care of the management of the apple orchard. In order to assist her mother in the difficult time, Anna's illegitimate daughter Ines draws her to the estate. The relationship between the two women is difficult, tensions are inevitable. In this emotionally charged atmosphere, Anna learns that her 16-year-old granddaughter Jo is unintentionally pregnant. Ines has no idea of ​​her daughter's secret. However, it is only a matter of time before the hide-and-seek game flies open.


Thorn Castle

Thorn Castle 1967


A story about two urban boys, who spend a summer at the romantic Kis-Balaton side with an old field keeper, and gradually change their point of view about their civilized life, and fall in love with the nature.