Brothers of the Wind

Brothers of the Wind 2015


The way of the eagle is to raise two chicks. The stronger is destined always to throw the weaker from the nest. Man also has his ways, often to hurt those closest to him. Lukas suffers at the hands of a father who has withdrawn since the loss of his wife. Killed whilst rescuing the infant Lukas, the boy now carries the burden of her death. Our eagle’s story begins in the nest. The first-born chick pushes his weaker brother to a certain death on the forest floor. But fate intervenes and the chick is found by Lukas. Naming him Abel, Lukas cares for the creature in secret, finding a love and companionship denied to him at home. But when the day comes to release Abel back into the wild, will Lukas find his own release into a new life?


The Legend of Pale Male

The Legend of Pale Male 2011


This is the true account of one of the most surprising and remarkable love stories in the history of New York. It begins in 1993, when a young man from Belgium looking to change his life has an unexpected encounter in Central Park. He meets a hawk. Not just any hawk, but a wild Redtail, a fierce predator that has not lived in the City for almost a hundred years. Compelled to follow this extraordinary creature, he buys a video camera and sets out to track the hawk.


Cuckoo: The Enemy In My Nest

Cuckoo: The Enemy In My Nest 2017


Cuckoos are brood parasites who they lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species, a clever trick that spares the rearing and feeding of their own offspring. Why do other parent birds let this happen? Are they too stupid? Too inept? Or simply clueless? None of the above!