Poland 1939: When German Soldiers Became War Criminals

Poland 1939: When German Soldiers Became War Criminals 2019


September 1st, 1939. Nazi Germany invades Poland. The campaign is fast, cruel and ruthless. In these circumstances, how is it that ordinary German soldiers suddenly became vicious killers, terrorizing the local population? Did everyone turn into something worse than wild animals? The true story of the first World War II offensive that marks in the history of infamy the beginning of a carnage and a historical tragedy.


Robinson Crusoe: The Great Blitzkrieg

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Is the year 3089 and technology has exceeded all expectations. Space travel is now common place and humans have met a race of aliens who call themselves Karomingiens. This was an initially friendly race, before a group of Karomingian scientists traveled in the earth's past, downloading for research, the brain information of one of the most devious humans of the 20th Century: Adolf Hitler. The Brain set itself free into the Main Central Unit and took control over the entire alien civilization, downgrading their political system to Fascism. Now, Karomingian Nazis have only one objective: Total annihilation of humans to achieve the existence of only one pure race, theirs.


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“As the German blitz raids reach their 39th day further air raids are to be expected at anytime…” At BBC broadcasting House, Bruce Belfrage and the rest of the staff are preparing the nightly news for millions of anxious listeners, but when the building suffers a direct hit they must pull together to face a terrible choice. Inspired by a true story.