Reynivellir is a representation of the transit that is generated when approaching the art work, described with visual games that can well be evoked by the same brain when witnessing the impossible figures of Jose María Yturralde. Reynivellir is also a beach in a country that is a musical sonnet, and this is so because the mental image does not always connect the articulated parts of a sensation, it is systematic, but aleatory, and it is from these notions of the field of observation, that it approaches and moves away from understanding, linking and unlinking forms, movements, sounds, sensations and knowledge.



TNB 2013


The action takes us on a disturbing, high-energy, graphic experience that is like attending a heady African American Studies lecture on the set of a blaxploitation film, performed in a former Dallas drug house. Paint chips and discarded plywood litter the broken sidewalk that leads from the empty back parking lot through knee-high weeds to the house where local performance art collective Dead White Zombies' newest site-specific performance installation takes place. Video projections play on various monitors. Loud Rap music surrounds us. Mama is cooking and cleaning in the kitchen.