
Benediction 2021


Poet Siegfried Sassoon survived the horrors of fighting in the First World War and was decorated for his bravery, but became a vocal critic of the government's continuation of the war when he returned from service. Adored by members of the aristocracy as well as stars of London's literary and stage world, he embarked on affairs with several men as he attempted to come to terms with his homosexuality.



Aftermath 2016


An adaptation of a war poem by Siegfried Sassoon. "Aftermath" was broadcast on every Armistice Day for many years after the war.


Wilfred Owen: A Remembrance Tale

Wilfred Owen: A Remembrance Tale 1970


Wilfred Owen: A Remembrance Tale was a 1-hour 2007 BBC documentary on the life of the First World War poet Wilfred Owen. It was presented by Jeremy Paxman and starred Samuel Barnett as Owen and Deborah Findlay as his mother Susan. It premiered on BBC One on Remembrance Sunday 2007.