For Love of the Game

For Love of the Game 2023


John lives for football and will do anything to make a career, even if it means facing the prejudices of the dressing room about his sexuality.



FAST 2022


Jean is a "slow" man, he builds his life around his anxieties, and considers himself unsuited to life in society. He lives with Alex, who is a "fast" man. Passionate about aerodynamics and eurodance, Alex lives fast and asks himself as few questions as possible. One morning, he receives a fast friend, Lou, at their place, while Jean had also planned to receive a slow friend, Caroline.


As Long as Shotguns Remain

As Long as Shotguns Remain 2014


Two young men in a nearly abandoned suburban landscape deal with the suicide of one of their friends by shotgunning beers and joining a gang.



Mermaids 2018


In Corsica, four girlfriends share the last days of an endless summer. It's hot, too hot to do anything. While they share their secrets, Camille, the youngest of them, says she's pregnant.


Sunny Star

Sunny Star 2015


In a strange villa, six young people are getting tanned. They are bored and get burnt, lying under the summer sun. They are children of the night, children of dreams. Coming from everywhere and nowhere, they are here, united like a tribe.


Lost Horizons

Lost Horizons 2012


In Corsica, a young man who is a fisherman like his late father before him wishes to leave and discover new horizons. A passionate music lover, he is torn between his mother who encourages him to pursue his passion and his grandparents who want him to stay on the island.


Sans rires

Sans rires 1990


An old man, former clown, comes back in the neighborhood where he used to lived for the funeral of his ex-wife, and finds old friends with whom he had lost contact.


Naughty Spot

Naughty Spot 2021


It's Tonio's first time in Corsica. He wanders across the island and on dating apps until stumbling upon the Oracle, a user who tells him about gay life in Corsica. Their conversation is reenacted with an actor who seems to connect deeply with the Oracle's story.


Heroes Never Die

Heroes Never Die 1990


A 1990 short film from Alain Guiraudie concerning the conversations of two film makers as they meet each night.


Un troisième

Un troisième 1977


Shots of a sequence of a shooting: young girl who must shed tears.


La loi de la forêt

La loi de la forêt 2006


Alberte has a passionate affair with Mathias, her doctor. He treats her under narcoanalysis to be able to detect a deeper symptom. He enters her without her knowing it and takes possession of his being in order to read what is chasing him, why people blame him, what is the strange disease that inhabits him.



Tony 2014


The world falls into chaos after a supernatural darkness descends. In the turmoil of the new reality, Tony fights for survival together with his ailing mother and son.


The College Students

The College Students 2019


A college. His teachers and his students. His conflicts and his lies. His images and his words. His looks and his silences.


Fils unique

Fils unique 1995


Fils unique details the emotive relationship between a father and his son who can only communicate their mutual feelings via unspoken words or provocation. It's the confrontation of an adolescent looking for his limits and a father who, through love or cowardice, refuses to set him any. No one is taken in by their silent game in this place "at the end of the world" where apparently nothing could possibly happen to them.



Cilaos 2016


To keep the promise she made to her dying mother, a young woman sets off to find her father, a fickle man she has never known. On the way, she discovers he is in fact dead, but, driven by the bewitching rhythms of the Maloya, a Reunion Island ritual singing and musical tradition, she does not abandon her goal: she must find her father.


The Sadness of Androids

The Sadness of Androids 2011


In the darkness of their respective rooms, two girls, in love with one another, converse on the Internet. But something is broken.



Heliconia 2020


The feline and weary body of a young girl is surrounded by Christian symbols. Crosses, Sulpician images, miniature altars lose their religious meaning to become merely decorative items. Mixed with plastic toys and photographs, they compose secular still lives. A church service is observed surreptitiously through a ground-floor window, like some strange custom, only to be interrupted by the sound of a moped backfiring, inviting the girl to take flight. This religious setting, often filmed in countershot to the beautiful faces of three teenagers, then gives way to wide shots of the luxuriant nature they are bathed in. Their nimble, young bodies find a perfect refuge in the comfortable branches of a mango tree. But at this age, the thirst for thrills cannot be restricted to a familiar setting. The trio hits the road. Without bothering with narrative dross, Heliconia offers a sensual road-trip and gorgeous tableaux vivants that do justice to film as a medium.


La Mésange

La Mésange 1982


A man trying to get through the Paris traffic meets a woman, somewhere between dream and reality.


Girls of Fire

Girls of Fire 2008


A suburb housing. Two girls on the phone are looking for each other but never succeed to meet. One of them vanishes.