Krāpšanas ilūzija 2

Krāpšanas ilūzija 2 2016


Pagājis gads kopš "Četriem jātniekiem" izdevās apvest ap stūri FIB un izpelnīties publikas apbrīnu ar savām maģiskajām izrādēm Robina Huda garā, bet nu iluzionisti ir atgriezušies, lai atmaskotu kāda tehnoloģiju magnāta neētiskos darījumus. Tehnoloģiju brīnumbērns Volters Mārbijs draud atklāt iluzionistu noslēpumus, tādēļ viņu vienīgā cerība ir īstenot vispārdrošāko triku, kas ļautu viņiem atgūtu savu labo slavu un atmaskot magnāta patiesos nodomus.


Brother's Keeper

Brother's Keeper 2013


A story about two brothers of the same mother but different fathers. "Sam" Kiu Tin-seng and Lo Wai-son separate after growing up together. Over the course of twenty years, with major historical events occurring in the background of their lives, the two brothers face different moral life struggles while living in Hong Kong and Macau.


Jogo Duplo

Jogo Duplo 2017


Between the mysterious Orient, the paradisiacal peninsula of Troia, the urbanity of Setúbal and the placid splendor of Alcácer do Sal, "Jogo Duplo" is a telenovela that will confront dysfunctional families, impossible loves and cultural differences, reflecting on the human condition in all its opposites.