Terminators 3: Mašīnu sacelšanās

Terminators 3: Mašīnu sacelšanās 2003


Mašīnas, kas pārvalda nākotni, pret Džonu Konoru sūta neapturamo terminatoru T-X, un tā ir sieviete. Ceļā ir arī cits terminatora modelis CSM-101



Bladšots 2020


Kāds kareivis, kas gājis bojā kaujas laikā, tiek atgriezts dzīvē ar jaunāko nano un biotehnoloģiju palīdzību: viņa organismā ievadītie mikroskopiskie nanoroboti vīrieti ir pataisījuši par supercilvēku, biotehnoloģiju brīnumu, neapturamu spēku – viņš pats spēj sevi izārstēt un ir tikpat kā neiznīcināms. Tomēr viņš sāk atcerēties savu iepriekšējo dzīvi, savu nogalināto sievu un viņas slepkavas un grasās atriebties. Taču vai uz šīm atmiņām var paļauties? Un vai atriebes kāre ir viņa paša jūtas?



Transcendence 2014


Doktors Vils Kasters ir vadošais pētnieks mākslīgā intelekta jomā, taču viņam ir daudz pretinieku, kuri pat gatavi viņu nonāvēt. Mirstošais zinātnieks lejupielādē savu prātu datorā un pēc nāves iegūst neierobežotu varu, par kādu nav uzdrošinājies sapņot. Drīz viņa intelekts kļūst bīstams cilvēkiem, taču pat viņa sieva un labākais draugs neredz iespēju viņu apturēt.


Generator Rex

Generator Rex 2010


Generator Rex, an average teenager with the ability to turn his body into amazing machines, helps the secret organization Providence save the world from the nanite threat and dangerous EVO monsters.



Revolution 2012


One day, electricity just stopped working and the world was suddenly thrust back into the dark ages. Now, 15 years later, a young woman's life is dramatically changed when a local militia arrives and kills her father, who mysteriously—and unbeknownst to her—had something to do with the blackout. An unlikely group sets out off on a daring journey to find answers about the past in the hopes of reclaiming the future.


H+: The Digital Series

H+: The Digital Series 2012


H+: The Digital Series is a web series produced by Bryan Singer and created by John Cabrera and Cosimo De Tommaso. The series, which touches on the subject of transhumanism, premiered on August 8, 2012 on YouTube with two episodes. Two new episodes were then released every week on Wednesdays until the season finale on January 16, 2013.


Welcome to the Nanoworld!

Welcome to the Nanoworld! 2010


Like GMOs before it, nanotechnology is irrevocably changing our world. What are the benefits of nanotech, and what are the risks? How might nanotech be used—or misused? Can the interests of science, business, and government strike a balance between the desire to act responsibly and deference to market and political pressures? These are some of the urgent questions explored in this timely four-part series.