Trīs krāsas: sarkanā

Trīs krāsas: sarkanā 1994


Triloģijas trešā filma ir nosaukta Francijas karoga krāsā un ir veltīta brālībai no franču devīzes "Brīvība, vienlīdzība, brālība". Studente un modele Valentīna kādu vakaru notriec suni un sastop tā saimnieku, pensionētu tiesnesi, kurš nelikumīgi noklausās kaimiņu telefonsarunas. Starp viņiem izveidojas neparasta draudzība. Vēlāk, dodoties uz Angliju, Valentīnas ceļi krustojas ar tiesneša izspiegoto pāri – Ogistu un Karīnu. Taču ne visiem izdodas šķērsot Lamanšu...


The Tunnel

The Tunnel 2013


The plot follows detectives Karl Roebuck and Elise Wasserman working together to find a serial killer who left the upper-half body of a French politician and the lower-half of a British prostitute in the Channel Tunnel, at the midpoint between France and the UK. They later learn that the killer—who comes to be nicknamed the "Truth Terrorist"—is on a moral crusade to highlight many social problems, terrorising both countries in the process


Channel Patrol

Channel Patrol 2014


Documentary series following the lives of those that use the English Channel for pleasure, those that earn a living from it, and most importantly those who keep it safe.