Dreyfus Put in Irons

Dreyfus Put in Irons 1899


Showing the interior view of the hut in which Dreyfus is confined. The scene takes place at night, showing the moon through the window of the cell. Two guards stealthily approach the cot upon which Dreyfus is sleeping. They awake him and read to him the order from the French minister–M. Lebon–to put him into irons, which they proceed at once to accomplish. Dreyfus vigorously protests against this treatment, which protests, however, fall on deaf ears. The chief sergeant and guards before leaving the hut, inspect the four corners of same by means of a lantern.


The Damnation of Faust

The Damnation of Faust 1898


A lost film. Georges Méliès also directed a film entitled Faust aux enfers in 1903 that is frequently confused with this one, but it has little to do with the story of Faust.


The Mermaid

The Mermaid 1904


A magician conjures up a mermaid while fishing.


The One-Man Band

The One-Man Band 1900


A band-leader has arranged seven chairs for the members of his band. When he sits down in the first chair, a cymbal player appears in the same chair, then rises and sits in the next chair. As the cymbal player sits down, a drummer appears in the second chair, and then likewise moves on to the third chair. In this way, an entire band is soon formed, and is then ready to perform.


The Conjurer

The Conjurer 1899


A film from Méliès has him playing a magician who does a few tricks including making a woman disappear.


The Black Imp

The Black Imp 1905


A traveler at an inn is harassed by a mischievous devil in his room.


A Nightmare

A Nightmare 1896


A man has a fantastical nightmare involving, among other things, a grinning malevolent moon.


The Monster

The Monster 1903


An Egyptian prince has lost his beloved wife and he has sought a dervish who dwells at the base of the sphinx.


The Human Fly

The Human Fly 1902


This is a moving picture that moves. Positively the greatest magical picture ever offered. A Hindoo magician appears and dances for the entertainment of six pretty maidens. Then, to the astonishment of all, he runs up the wall, dances and turns handsprings in mid-air, introducing many tricks that are entirely new in animated photography. The most puzzling of all the mystical series. (Star Film Catalog)


The Temptation of St. Anthony

The Temptation of St. Anthony 1898


St. Anthony is tempted by visions of women, including one that is transformed from the image of Jesus Christ Himself!


A Terrible Night

A Terrible Night 1896


A man tries to get a good night's sleep, but is disturbed by a giant spider that leaps onto his bed, and a battle ensues in hilarious comic fashion.


The Attempt Against the Life of Maitre Labori

The Attempt Against the Life of Maitre Labori 1899


Maître Labori is seen approaching the bridge of Rennes in company with Colonel Picquart and M. Gast, Mayor of Rennes. They notice that they are followed by another man to whom Colonel Picquart calls Labori's attention. They, however, consider his proximity of no importance, and continue to speak together. As soon as their backs are turned, the man draws a revolver and fires twice at Maître Labori, who is seen to fall to the ground. The culprit makes his escape, pursued by Colonel Picquart and M. Gast.


The Cook in Trouble

The Cook in Trouble 1904


A cook has his hands full with three mischievous devils, who pop in and out of his kitchen.