Natsumi Nanase I'm not Afraid of the Hospital. The Reason I got Sick 2! 奄美殺人珊瑚礁 Saru: Window Period Shirayuri Girls' Academy Western Archery Club: A Silver Target She^2 This is Bonjingumi 続・こちら凡人組 Kohei's Race Heisei Irresponsible Family: Tokyo de Luxe Sunny Gets Blue Tsurumoku Dokushinryô Detective Ushio vs. Case Writer Saeko: Survivors Cherry Blossoms 森村誠一ミステリースペシャル 終着駅シリーズ37 停年のない殺意 The Hitman Blood Smells Like Roses ポップコーンLOVE ナースな探偵 Attention Please 憎しみに微笑んで Absolute Zero AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo H2: The Days with You