Breathing Under Water

Breathing Under Water 2000


What stops two people from being together? A third one. What stops one person from fighting for another? Nothing. Pedro lives in the suburbs, where he works with his father in a garage. Everyday he takes the bus downtown where he goes to school and meets his friends. It's summertime and they all go down to the river where they spend their free time or even their school time. Among joints, motorbike riding and swimming, everything seems to go well with this group of friends, until the moment when Pedro and his best friend find out that both of them like the same girl. Pedro finds himself inside a downward spiral, where everything around him seems to fall apart. Like a magnet attracts the iron, Pedro seems to attract problems, from the school until his relationship with his parents. This is the story of Pedro, who by having his head being pushed down so much learned how to breathe under water.


It Wasn't God's Will

It Wasn't God's Will 2007


The story of Ramiro, a young boy, who is leaving to war; his return and his missing with the love of his life, Laurinda.



Retornos 2010


Álvaro, before escaping from himself during ten years, return to his town, a small village in Galicia, to attend to his father's funeral. There he will try to make it up with his brother and to recoup his daugther Mar. Everything gets complicated when he finds a dead woman in the road, the woman is Lidia, a Mar's friend who works as a prostitute.


El Justiciero

El Justiciero 2009


Rui is in the process of separation from Silvia, his wife and John, his son, realizing that his father can not get out of this situation and that he will never be happy, decides to ask for help from the mythical Bolivian hero "El Justiciero".



Rockumentary 2006


Following the lives of Bunnyranch members, Kaló, Filipe, Calhau and André, we get to know the inside outs of a small but strong rock'n'roll wave that thrives in Coimbra.


The Dead Queen

The Dead Queen 2018


Inspired on the true events of the Portuguese king Don Pedro (14th Century) which unburied his mistress to make her queen after dead. This film tells the story of Pedro, a man admitted to a psychiatric hospital for traveling by car with the corpse of his beloved, recalling simultaneously three different lives: one from the past, another from nowadays and another one from an distopic future.


Our Children

Our Children 2022


Vera, who fought in the armed left-wing movements against the Brazilian military dictatorship, has lived in multiple South American countries. Her daughter Tânica has been married to another woman for fifteen years, and they're about to have their first child.


Forget Everything I've Told You

Forget Everything I've Told You 2002


A tragic-comedy over a dysfunctional Portuguese family. The story of six people who love, hate, split up and meet again - Messias, the husband, a dentist, almost magician; Felizbela, the beautiful wife, almost happy; Joana, the daughter and her boyfriend, almost famous and the grandfather Tobias, a shepherd, almost imortal. Six characters, six stories, one film: Forget Everything I've Told You.


Bela America

Bela America 2023


Lucas, the cook, seduces America, the television star and presidential candidate. He will clandestinely enter her house to seduce her with extraordinary meals, causing the unlikely intersection of the fate of Lucas, the cook, with that of America, the President.


Here's the Deal

Here's the Deal 2013


Suso and Manuel, two-parent family and lifelong friends, met fifty years, they become unemployed. When the situation is no longer tenable, an unusual fact: one day, while fishing, find a package with ten kilos of cocaine.


From 9 to 5: Sex Work Is Work

From 9 to 5: Sex Work Is Work 2011


There are hundreds of sex workers to whom the protection of the law at a labour and civilian level is not recognised. For that reason, in a similar way to what happens in many countries, they demand the end of the discrimination, the change of the law and the social power that has been denied to them. This film is a journey into the underworld of sex workers and their struggle for labour rights.


We Are Free

We Are Free 2011


A photograph and a song from the Portuguese revolution, unite the three characters forever. This movie revisits them 30 years later and depicts what has become from the "revolution dream".


Yellow Sunglasses

Yellow Sunglasses 2021


Julia, a thirty-year-old newly separated and in search of a life change, finds two new friends. The three begin to live an intense friendship that turns into a love triangle in which their frustrations and fears of not knowing if they will manage to be who they dreamed to be when they were younger.



Hepicat 2010


A film about the incommunicability of two worlds.



Embargo 2010


Nuno is a man working at a hot dog stand, who also invented a machine which promises to revolutionize the shoe industry- a foot scanner. In the middle of a gasoline embargo and finding himself in a strange predicament, Nuno becomes mysteriously confined to his car, finding his life suddenly embargoed.


Posfácio at the Clothing Factory

Posfácio at the Clothing Factory 2012


Posfácio works at the factory of Madam Cannon and dates her daughter Claudete. Everything would be going great for Posfácio, if it wasn't for terrorist plans from his work buddies Marques and Mendes.


Poetically Exhausted, Vertically Alone

Poetically Exhausted, Vertically Alone 2007


José Bação Leal has born in Lisbon, capital of Portugal, in 1942, and died in Mozambique, during the colonial war, with 23 years old. A promising writer and thinker, he became a symbol of a youth that could not rise, victim of a country that put in cause its own future in a meaningless war. All the people who were close to him were touch by his fascinating personality and his vanguardist free spirit.


Codename: Angola

Codename: Angola 2015


In 1961 the liberation struggles start in Angola against the portuguese colonial power. The African students in Portugal fear for their safety and plan to flee outside the country. With the help of Theology students, French and North-American pastors, the operation code name "Angola" fled over 100 african students abroad towards freedom, amongst them several future leaders of african countries.


Humans: Variations of Life

Humans: Variations of Life 2006


One day, a forgotten box of shoes is discovered in a shelf of the record company. Inside this box, there were tapes containing home made recordings of the famous Portuguese composer - Antonio Variacoes. When one listens to these tapes, where Variações sings in the most pure ways - without any musical background, many times whispering to the recording not to wake up the neighbors - one perceives that this treasure could not remain hidden. The HUMANOS project was born; a "super"-band, composed by "super"-musicians, where the famous Portuguese singers Manuela Azevedo, David Fonseca and Camane; give their voice to music and lyrics from Antonio Variacoes. This film is about the process of preparation of the live concerts in the summer of 2005 and about the approach that these musicians had to the legacy left by Antonio Variacoes.